
2018-01-18  本文已影响10人  18aabd0448d3

In effect, this early “experience-dependent” process prepares the child’s brain to live in a world that is similar to the first environment in terms of the level of safety and danger this environment presents.


Just as the child’s exposure to a particular language in the first year of life tunes the language-learning circuitry to the specific sounds of that native tongue, and in doing so, makes it harder for the child’s brain to hear all of the sounds of another language later in life, exposure to a particular social and emotional niche tunes the child’s brain in ways that make the brain resistant later on to changing this basic social program for relating to other people.

就像孩子在生命的第一年暴露一个特定的语言环境中形成了对母语敏感的特殊语言习得回路。这样,孩子在以后的的成长中,他的大脑对其他语言的习得变得困难一样, 暴露在一个特定的社会和情感孩子,难以改变其基本的社会认知结构。

The developing brain is dedicated to learning a basic strategy for both staying connected to the vital lifeline that attachment figures represent and also for staying vigilant enough around these figures if they are not consistently safe to be near.


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