

2019-08-01  本文已影响8人  本地化翻译Angie

八一建军节,驻香港部队发布的宣传片《不忘初心 守护香江》实在是燃爆了!

我们是谁?驻香港部队,是国家主权的重要体现;是维护“一国两制”的重要力量;是维护香港繁荣稳定的重要基石! 我们在做什么?聚力备战打仗,苦练杀敌本领,始终保持弓满弦、剑出鞘的进击状态! 我们有决心、有信心、有能力坚决维护国家主权、安全、发展利益,有决心、有信心、有能力坚决维护香港长期繁荣稳定。


Thousands of children excitedly  posed with military vehicles and firedlaser-fitted guns at the People’s  Liberation Army open dayyesterday,with the force giving the public a glimpse of what’s behind the gates at two of itsbarracks.  


The PLA’s Shek Kong Barracks in Yuen Long opened at 10.30am and the San WaiBarracks in Fan-ling followed suit at 2.30pm to mark the16th anniversaryof the handover from British rule.  

解放军位于元朗的石岗军营于上午 10:30 开放,接着位于粉岭的新围军营在下午 2:30 开放,以纪念香港回归十六周年。

More than 20,000 people poured through thegates at the two barracks to see mock anti-terrorist raids,marches ,militarybands, martial arts shows and new weaponry.They also tested their shootingskills with real army guns that shot laser beams in place of bullets .Mostvistors  were families with smallchildren .  

超过 2 万人走进这两处军营的大门,参观模拟反恐演习、队列操练、军乐队、武术表演和新武器展示。参观者还使用真枪进行了射击技能测试,当然用的是激光束而不是实弹。大多数游客都是全家人携小孩一起来参观。

Juliana Lee Ka-chee,who visited the Shek Kong Barracks with her parents ,said she felt sorry for the soldiers aftertaking pictures in a combat vehicle under the scorching sun .

与父母一起参观石岗军营的 Juliana Lee Ka-chee 说道,在烈日下与战车合影留念后,她对士兵们感到有些心疼。

“I think the soldiers have a very hard life ,”said the nine –year-old .”They have to perform drills in such hot weather,too.” 


Despite all the martial prow-ess on show,Lee was most im-pressde by the soldiers’ domestic discipline after seeing their dor-miroty; their blanketswere fold-ed in perfect rectangles and everything had been tidied with militaryprecision .  

除武术表演中展现出的军事英勇精神外,参观完士兵宿舍后,最令 Lee 感到惊讶的是士兵们服从命令的纪律性——被褥折叠得棱角分明,一切都按照军事化标准严格执行。

Kevin Lau, 22, and Johnson Chau,18,attendedopen days last year and in 2011, visiting barracks at Shek Kong and Ngong ShuenChau.  

22 岁的 Kevin Lau 和 18 岁的 Johnson Chau 曾在去年及 2011 年参观了石岗军营和昂船洲军营。

This year was their first visit on SanWai,and they said a rope descent from a helicopter by anti-terror squadsoldiers was the most exciting event.  


“we really like the open day, “said Lau .”The PLA looks less mysterious and closer to us now .” 

“我们真的很喜欢军营开放日。”Lau 说道,“现在解放军看上去已没有那么神秘,而且离我们更近了。”

But some visitors complained it wasdittcult to find a place to watch the militaty perfortmances, which took placeon a large drill field without a spectator stand. 


“I just couldn’t squeeze through to the front ,”said Ada Chow Wai-heung,who went to San Wai with her parents andsis-ter.”There were so many people surrounding “the drill field”.”

“我没法挤到前面。”与父母和姐姐一起到新围军营参观的 Ada ChowWai-heung 表示,“训练场周围有太多人围观。”

This morning the Ngong Shuen Chau Barracksopens its gates .  


All the available tickets were distriburted  free a week ago. 


The latest open days are the 25th since the handover and almost 500,000 people havevisit-ed during the events.(Jolie ho and Shirley Zhao)   

最近的开放日已是继香港回归后的第 25 次,已有近 50 万人出席过参观活动。(Jolie ho 和 Shirley Zhao 编辑报道)

(2013 年 7 月 1 日《南华早报》)


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