
2020-04-24-Zhenyuan Town(贵州镇远古镇)

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Ancient Charm of China: Zhenyuan Town



This episode of "Ancient Charm of China" introduces one off-the-beaten spot that brings you to an unspoiled


Located in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, southwest China's Guizhou Province, Zhenyuan is a water town with 2000 years of history.

Spanning an area of around three square kilometers, though relatively small in scale, Zhenyuan is in no short of

marvelous natural landscape and cultural relics.

spanning n 生成,跨越,v 横跨

relics n 遗迹,遗骸,纪念物

Zhenyuan Ancient Town, Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province.

Hemmed in by moutains, Zhenyuan offers beckoning and refreshing sights.

The winding Wuyang River separates the ancient town into two parts: Old Fuzhen in the north and Old Weizhen in the south.

hemmed 镶好边的,缝好边的

beckoning adj 引诱人的,令人心动的,v 招手,举手,吸引

winding 曲折的,蜿蜒的

Take a stroll along the river or hop on a cruise to enjoy the grotesque gorges, peculiar peaks and splendid waterfalls around you.

stroll v 闲逛,散步,n 闲逛,散步

cruise v 乘船游览,巡航,漫游,开车兜风,n 巡航,巡游

grotesque adj 怪诞的,奇怪的,可笑的,n 奇形怪状的

gorges 峡谷

peculiar adj 特殊的,独特的,奇怪的 n 特权

The Wuyang River cuts Zhenyuan Ancient Town in two parts.

The Black Dragon Cave, or Qinglong Cave, is not simply a cave, but a complex of ancient temples and

pavilions standing on Zhonghe Mountains.

The ancient monuments blend in with the surrounding natural environment where Confucianism, Taoism

and Buddhism exist in complete harmony.

pavilions n 楼阁,大帐篷,v 搭帐篷

monument n 纪念碑,历史遗迹

blend vt 混合,协调

The Black Dragon Cave,or Qinglong Cave, is an ancient Chines architecture complex.

complex n 复合体,综合设施

Back in the heart of Zhenyuan, history lovers will find the stretching laneway system of temples,

shops and residences more tempting,

The old streets adorned with simple and delicate stone carvings are not as commercialized as in the cities.

laneway 巷道,通路

tempting adj 吸引人的,诱人的

adorned 被修饰的

delicate adj 微妙的,精美的

commercialized adj 商业化的,v商业化

Zhenyuan also offers visitors a fantastic nightscape.

At night , numerous lights brighten the town with gleaming colors.

Various performances demonstrating the local ethnic culture are held after sunset to keep visitors entertained.

gleaming adj 闪闪发光的,n 微弱的闪光 v 闪烁

ethnic adj 种族的,人种的

As night falls.

Travel tips:

The mild and humid climate makes it a pleasant destination all year round.

mild adj 温和的,轻微的,

humid adj 潮湿的,湿润的

Guizhou food features sweet-and-sour flavors by making use of tomatoes and a touch of chili peppers.

The Sour Fish Soup is a locally-favored and must-try delicacy.

delicacy 美味,佳肴

It is recommended to take the train from Guiyang to Zhenyuan. There are eight trains running per day, each takes around 3.5-5 hours. From Zhenyuan Railway Station you can easily get to the destination by taxi.

(Video edited by Wang Yuqing, cover image by Jia Jieqiong)


