Vikings in Britain: a reflection
1. Introduction:
‘The Treaty between King Alfred and King Guthrum’ was a treaty signed
between the King Alfred of Wessex and Guthrum, the Viking king of east Aglia.
The exact date of singing the treaty remains a mystery, but some scholar
believed that “it was drawn up in or soon after 886 (when Alfred seized London),
since London is left under Alfred’s control, and certainly before 890 (when
Guthrum, king of the Vikings of East Anglia, died) (Keynes and Lapidge (1983). It defines the boundary between ‘English’England and the Southern Danelaw, and regulates relations between the nativepeople and the Danish settlers.
2. TheSignificance and Implications of the Treaty
To the best of my knowledge, ‘The Treaty between King Alfred and KingGuthrum’ is not only one of the influential treaties in the history ofhumankind, but also a milestone of history of British history. One existing keydocument of peace talks after wars between Wessex udder the reign of the KingAlfred’s and Vikings in East Anglia, it is the evidence of the victory ofAlfred’s fighting against the Vikings. It has multiple impacts on Britishhistory.
AsThe Sacred Books of Chinastates, the people should be cherished, the people are the root of a country. Whenthe root is firm, the country is tranquil. The treaty implies thepeople-oriented thought of governance of that time. It starts with a prologue,which describes the parties involved, the way they reached the agreement, andthe significance is has. Firstly, it attaches great importance to the interestsof people. It was not the agreement between the two kings, but all the peoplein two countries, including the people of that time and their offspring. Thefoundation of governments is people and the purpose of a government should alsobe its people. Though it was probably a political rhetoric, but it indeed exemplifiedthe King Alfred’s will to bring peace to the two nations. Secondly, the factthat the agreement was confirmed by oaths shows that it was a solemn undertaking,promise and commitment. I believe that it was the ceremonial occasion that highlightedand underpinned the great importance of the far-reaching document.
2.2 Equality
As Douglas (1974) stated, the Treaty was more an agreement betweenfriendly rulers than conditions imposed by Alfred enemy, and accepted theequality in law of Saxons and Danes. In the document, Alfred and Guthrum agreedon money payments, when a Dane or Saxon was killed and a higher payment in goldfor men of higher rank, but always with the principle that the Saxons and theDanes were equal.
2.3 Thespirit of law
Clauses three, four and five also are an example of the thinking of
justice, which is an essential and fundamental element of governance in the
history of humankind. From the clause three we can see that even if anyone has
the right if accusation, but he/she has to bear responsibilities. From the
clause four we know that there was system of warrantor back in that period of
time. As Keynesand Lapidge (1983) explained, anyoneinvolved in the purchase of men (slaves), horses and oxen was to ensure that hehad a warrantor to the transaction. This policy was to guarantee the fairnessin the markets, otherwise, there would have had chaotic transaction in anuncontrolled way.
2.4 Trade isthe fundamental link between countries
Clause five is an agreement on people to people communication between twocounties. It regulates that slaves and freemen could not visit each other orsettle down in the other’s territory unless trade was conducted. And thetraffic for the purpose of trade was countenanced. Even if there was rivalrybetween Wessex and the East Anglia, they could not stop the free trade betweenthem. When we looking into the world no matter from a reginal and globalperspectives, we can conclude that trade plays a pivotal role in the globalpolitics and a state’s foreign policy, as it has an overarching on people’slivelihood. It is always the same from ancient to modern times. The will andneed of encouraging the trade could not be hindered by any forces. Alfred and Guthrumset an excellent example for all the state leaders that disputes and conflictsshould and can be put aside in ensuring peoples’ life necessities and improvingpeople’s living standard.
2.5 Foreignrelations based on reciprocity
Reciprocity is one of the key principles in international relations, andit was perfectly exemplified by ‘The Treaty between King Alfred and KingGuthrum’. Both two countries agreed on a wide spectrum of issues to safeguardtheir mutual interests but they were based on the necessary conditions,bringing peace for two countries and their people. The win-win situation wasbased on reciprocity, a main principle of the establishment of the treaty.
3. Summary
‘The Treaty between King Alfred and King Guthrum’ marked the milestone inthe history of Vikings in Britain and the making of England. Though it was anancient document, its values and implications cannot be neglected even if weare living in the modern time. It was one of the key document which demonstrateforeign relations, values and thoughts that shaped the times of that key stateof history.