2018-10-30 GWAS实战(二)plink 入门
2018-10-30 本文已影响40人

plink --file toy --freq --out toy_analysis

- 命令都是plink开头的
- --file 代表的输入文件 只要所有输入文件的前缀就可以
- Input data: '--file toy' tells PLINK to use the genomic data in the text files toy.ped and toy.map.
- --freq 这一层是表示要进行运算,后续有很多命令,换个名字而已,当然还有各种参数,这里freq指的是统计等位基因的频率
- Calculation(s)2 to perform: --freq tells PLINK to generate an allele frequency report. The full range of supported calculations is summarized under 'Main functions' in the sidebar.
- --out 指定输出文件,只要指定前缀就可以,建议不要重复,因为文件多了会抹掉前面的文件。如果你不设置的话,应该是会报错的
By default, the output files generated by PLINK all have names of the form 'plink.xyz', where '.xyz' is one of these extensions. This is fine for a single run, but as soon as you make more use of PLINK, you'll start causing results from previous runs to be overwritten.Therefore, you usually want to choose a different output file prefix for each run. --out causes 'plink' to be replaced with the prefix you provide. E.g. in the example above, '--out toy_analysis' caused PLINK to create a file named toy_analysis.frq instead of plink.frq.
