
Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's

2019-08-06  本文已影响0人  diligentgirl

Chapter 4 The Keeper of the Keys

This chapter mainly highlighted the characteristic of Hagrid (the keeper of keys and grouds at Hogwarts)----recklessness,benevolence,loyalty and an animal lover.The title of "the keeper of the keys" also indicated the irreplaceable role Hagrid played in guarding a valuable thing(the Sorcerer's Stone) in Hogwarts.

Moreover,we can learn a lot from the chapter in depicting deliberately and vividly the mental change of the character as the plot developed.Following is the typical example I want to explain.

The way Mr Dursley said and did embodied the attitude change when Hagrid told Harry the truth relevanting  the origin of Harry and his family.

1.Mr Dursley:"said stupidly"---"shouted"   

  when unexpected things happened to the broken-down house where Dursleys and Harry lodged.(puzzled and scared)

2.Mr Dursley:"made a funny rasping noise"

  when he heard Hagrid expressed his familiarity about the family of Harry's.(a mixed and complex feeling)

3.Mr Dursley:"made another funny noise, like a mouse being trodden on"

  when Hagrid bended the gun out of Mr Dursley's hands ,which threated Mr Dursley.(threatened)

4.Mr Dursley:"shrank back into the shadows"---"cowering against the wall"---"whispered something that sounded like 'Mimblewimble.'"

  Mr Dursley was scared when Hagrid,the terrible half-gaint,knew Dursleys hided truth from Harry.(threatened)

5.Mr Dursley:"commanded"---"every syllable trembled with rage"---"yelled in panic"---“ashen-faced but looking very angry, moved into the firelight

  Mr Dursley tried to stop Hagrid continuously telling the truth to Harry and also didn't want Harry to attend the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.(angry and defiant)

6.Mr Dursley:"scuttled back to their corner"

Mr Dursley was afraid in front of Hagrid's angry.(afraid)

7.Mr Dursley:"snarled"

  Mr Dursley was still relectant  to accept the fact that the family of Harry's were wizards and expressed his hatred towards the world of wizards.

8.Mr Dursley:"courage failed again; he flattened himself against the wall and fell silent"

  Mr Dursley was threatened in front of Hagrid's angry.(threatened)

9.Mr Dursley:"wasn’t going to give in without a fight"---"hissed"---"yelled"---"roared"

  Mr Dursley still refused to accept the fact that Harry was a wizard and he should go to wizards' school,fulfilling his destined missions.

Above emotional change of Mr Dursley is somewhat like riding a roller coaster,from suspect,angry,fear to compromise.Several verbs and expressions are valuable for us to appreciate.

Words and phrases:

1.freak=weirdo=crackpot 奇怪的人

2.a slightly squashed box.被轻度压扁的箱子(生活中很常见~)

3.fidget  (v)

  [intransitive ] fidget (with sth) to keep moving your body, your hands or your    feet because you are nervous, bored, excited, etc. 坐立不安;烦躁

  Sit still and stop fidgeting! 坐好,不要动来晃去的!

4.angry=every syllable trembled with rage

5.rant on (v)

[intransitive ,  transitive ] rant (on)  (about sth) | rantat sb | + speech

  ( disapproving) to speak or complain about sth in a loud and/or angry way 怒吼;咆哮;大声抱怨

  [IDIOM] rant and ˈrave

      ( disapproving) to show that you are angry by shouting or complaining            loudly for a long time 气愤地大叫大嚷;大声吵闹

6.stand up to  sb:to resist sb; to not accept bad treatment from sb without complaining 抵抗;勇敢反对;不甘忍受某人的欺负(或不公平对待)

It was brave of her to stand up to those bullies. 她不向那几个坏蛋屈服,真是勇敢。


stand ˈup (to sth):to remain valid even when tested, examined closely, etc. 经得起(检验、审查等)

  stand ˈup for sb/sth:to support or defend sb/sth 支持;维护

7.blew his nose with a sound like a foghorn(雾角,a loud unpleasant voice) 擤鼻子

9.Codswallop :nonsense 废话;胡言乱语


    v clout sb ( informal) to hit sb hard, especially with your hand (尤指用手)猛击,重打

  n  1 [uncountable ] power and influence 影响力;势力

      political/financial clout 政治╱经济势力

        2 [countable ,  usually singular ] ( informal) a blow with the hand or a hard object (用手或硬物的)击,打


1.He meant to say thank you, but the words got lost on the way to his mouth.    欲言又止

2.Questions exploded inside Harry’s head like fireworks and he couldn’t decide which to ask first.

  表述 问题超多,不知从何问起

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