
[lua source code]global_State

2016-02-21  本文已影响545人  ffl



Recommended reading order

If you're done before X-Mas and understood all of it, you're good. The information density of the code is rather high.

我并没有按这个顺序读。外围的API在使用Lua以及给Lua写扩展库的过程中,已经比较熟悉了,C 的 API 在我看来都是按需查文档的事情,所以lmathlapi.h这两部分并需要特地去每个看。所以也是直接到lobject.hlstate.h来的。




上一篇提到,在lua_State对象里有一个global_State,这个才是Lua 状态机的全局状态的存储的地方,所有的lua_State共享这个全局状态,由于Lua被设计为单线程的,所以global_State上的状态控制变的简单很多,完全不考虑多线程问题。

** 'global state', shared by all threads of this state
typedef struct global_State {
  lua_Alloc frealloc;  /* function to reallocate memory */
  void *ud;         /* auxiliary data to 'frealloc' */
  lu_mem totalbytes;  /* number of bytes currently allocated - GCdebt */
  l_mem GCdebt;  /* bytes allocated not yet compensated by the collector */
  lu_mem GCmemtrav;  /* memory traversed by the GC */
  lu_mem GCestimate;  /* an estimate of the non-garbage memory in use */
  stringtable strt;  /* hash table for strings */
  TValue l_registry;
  unsigned int seed;  /* randomized seed for hashes */
  lu_byte currentwhite;
  lu_byte gcstate;  /* state of garbage collector */
  lu_byte gckind;  /* kind of GC running */
  lu_byte gcrunning;  /* true if GC is running */
  GCObject *allgc;  /* list of all collectable objects */
  GCObject **sweepgc;  /* current position of sweep in list */
  GCObject *finobj;  /* list of collectable objects with finalizers */
  GCObject *gray;  /* list of gray objects */
  GCObject *grayagain;  /* list of objects to be traversed atomically */
  GCObject *weak;  /* list of tables with weak values */
  GCObject *ephemeron;  /* list of ephemeron tables (weak keys) */
  GCObject *allweak;  /* list of all-weak tables */
  GCObject *tobefnz;  /* list of userdata to be GC */
  GCObject *fixedgc;  /* list of objects not to be collected */
  struct lua_State *twups;  /* list of threads with open upvalues */
  Mbuffer buff;  /* temporary buffer for string concatenation */
  unsigned int gcfinnum;  /* number of finalizers to call in each GC step */
  int gcpause;  /* size of pause between successive GCs */
  int gcstepmul;  /* GC 'granularity' */
  lua_CFunction panic;  /* to be called in unprotected errors */
  struct lua_State *mainthread;
  const lua_Number *version;  /* pointer to version number */
  TString *memerrmsg;  /* memory-error message */
  TString *tmname[TM_N];  /* array with tag-method names */
  struct Table *mt[LUA_NUMTAGS];  /* metatables for basic types */
} global_State;


** 'global state', shared by all threads of this state
typedef struct global_State {
  // Version
  const lua_Number *version;      /* pointer to version number */

  // Hash
  unsigned int seed;              /* randomized seed for hashes */

  // Registry
  TValue l_registry;

  // String table
  stringtable strt;               /* hash table for strings */
  Mbuffer buff;                   /* temporary buffer for string concatenation */

  // Meta table
  TString *tmname[TM_N];          /* array with tag-method names */
  struct Table *mt[LUA_NUMTAGS];  /* metatables for basic types */

  // Thread list
  struct lua_State *mainthread;
  struct lua_State *twups;        /* list of threads with open upvalues */
  // Error Recover
  lua_CFunction panic;            /* to be called in unprotected errors */

  // Memory Allocator
  lua_Alloc frealloc;             /* function to reallocate memory */
  void *ud;                       /* auxiliary data to 'frealloc' */
  // GC
  lu_mem totalbytes;              /* number of bytes currently allocated - GCdebt */
  TString *memerrmsg;             /* memory-error message */
  l_mem  GCdebt;                  /* bytes allocated not yet compensated by the collector */
  lu_mem GCmemtrav;               /* memory traversed by the GC */
  lu_mem GCestimate;              /* an estimate of the non-garbage memory in use */

  lu_byte currentwhite;
  lu_byte gcstate;                /* state of garbage collector */
  lu_byte gckind;                 /* kind of GC running */
  lu_byte gcrunning;              /* true if GC is running */

  int gcpause;                    /* size of pause between successive GCs */
  int gcstepmul;                  /* GC 'granularity' */
  unsigned int gcfinnum;          /* number of finalizers to call in each GC step */
  GCObject *allgc;                /* list of all collectable objects */
  GCObject *finobj;               /* list of collectable objects with finalizers */
  GCObject *gray;                 /* list of gray objects */
  GCObject *grayagain;            /* list of objects to be traversed atomically */
  GCObject *weak;                 /* list of tables with weak values */
  GCObject *ephemeron;            /* list of ephemeron tables (weak keys) */
  GCObject *allweak;              /* list of all-weak tables */
  GCObject *tobefnz;              /* list of userdata to be GC */
  GCObject *fixedgc;              /* list of objects not to be collected */

  GCObject **sweepgc;             /* current position of sweep in list */

} global_State;



typedef struct lua_GCInfo{
  lu_mem totalbytes;              /* number of bytes currently allocated - GCdebt */
  TString *memerrmsg;             /* memory-error message */
  l_mem  GCdebt;                  /* bytes allocated not yet compensated by the collector */
  lu_mem GCmemtrav;               /* memory traversed by the GC */
  lu_mem GCestimate;              /* an estimate of the non-garbage memory in use */

  lu_byte currentwhite;
  lu_byte gcstate;                /* state of garbage collector */
  lu_byte gckind;                 /* kind of GC running */
  lu_byte gcrunning;              /* true if GC is running */

  int gcpause;                    /* size of pause between successive GCs */
  int gcstepmul;                  /* GC 'granularity' */
  unsigned int gcfinnum;          /* number of finalizers to call in each GC step */
  GCObject *allgc;                /* list of all collectable objects */
  GCObject *finobj;               /* list of collectable objects with finalizers */
  GCObject *gray;                 /* list of gray objects */
  GCObject *grayagain;            /* list of objects to be traversed atomically */
  GCObject *weak;                 /* list of tables with weak values */
  GCObject *ephemeron;            /* list of ephemeron tables (weak keys) */
  GCObject *allweak;              /* list of all-weak tables */
  GCObject *tobefnz;              /* list of userdata to be GC */
  GCObject *fixedgc;              /* list of objects not to be collected */

  GCObject **sweepgc;             /* current position of sweep in list */


typedef struct global_State {
  // Version
  const lua_Number *version;      /* pointer to version number */

  // Hash
  unsigned int seed;              /* randomized seed for hashes */

  // Global Registry
  TValue l_registry;

  // Global String table
  stringtable strt;               /* hash table for strings */
  Mbuffer buff;                   /* temporary buffer for string concatenation */

  // Global Meta table
  TString *tmname[TM_N];          /* array with tag-method names */
  struct Table *mt[LUA_NUMTAGS];  /* metatables for basic types */

  // Global Thread list
  struct lua_State *mainthread;
  struct lua_State *twups;        /* list of threads with open upvalues */
  // Memory Allocator
  lua_Alloc frealloc;             /* function to reallocate memory */
  void *ud;                       /* auxiliary data to 'frealloc' */

  // GC Info
  GCInfo *gcinfo;

  // Error Recover
  lua_CFunction panic;            /* to be called in unprotected errors */


typedef struct stringtable {
  TString **hash;
  int nuse;  /* number of elements */
  int size;
} stringtable;



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