The Gay Genius Chapter15

2017-12-22  本文已影响0人  夕夜Silence

I. The central question

Q: What's the difference between Su Tungpo himeself and his new identity "the recluse of the eastern slope" ?

A: In my opinion, neither "the recluse" or "the famer" can represent Su Tungpo's life in Huangchow. The Chinese word "Tungpo Jushi" has deeply meaning of the Buddhism. Work as a farmer was just the way Su Tungpo make a living. However, it was hard to say Su Tungpo was an recluse. His life was called half-retirement, also he was not that kind of person who enjoyed living alone. We may call him "a lay buddhist of the eastern slope". Su Tungpo use Buddhism to found inner peace, so he felt easy and comfort in Huangchow. He has no real rights but he care about the people in Huangchow, he even established a Save-the Child. Association.

II. The sentence

1. Su Tungpo now was to become a farmer by necessity and a recluse by temperament and natural inclination. What society, culture, learning, reading of history, and external duties and responsibilities do to a man is to hide his real self. Strip him of all these trappings of time and convention, and you have the real man.


2. The question of savation is after all, only the achievement of spiritual harmony in which the baser instincts of man can be brought under contol of his higher nature. If one could attain such a spiritual harmony through intelligent self-discipline, one did not have to leave human society entirely in order to achieve salvation.


3. It has always seemed to me that wherever the spirit of man lives, religion comes to life again. Whenever the spirit of man dies, religion also decays.


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