3.1.2 为什么要有知识图谱?
2017-12-04 本文已影响0人
- 管理知识的重要
- 合作信息系统 —— A Semantic Web Primer - Series Forward
- 信息处理 —— A Semantic Web Primer
- 信息检索问题
- High recall, low precision
- Low or no recall
- Results are highly sensitive to vocabulary
- Results are single Web pages
- 知识管理问题
- Searching information. keyword-based
- Extracting information. time consuming
- Maintaining information. inconsistencies in terminology and failure to remove outdated inforamtion
- Uncovering information. task is difficult for distributed, weakly structured collections of documents.
- Viewing information. hard to restrict access to certain information to certain groups of employees.
- 信息检索问题
- B2C
- B2B
- Knowledge Management
- Wikis
- Personal Agents