

2015-05-05  本文已影响1655人  爱因斯冬


2015年3月份,我决定报名参加李笑来老师组织的在线YC Combinator 20节创业课- 如何创立一家公司。这个课程是以网络讨论组的方式组织的。每两天就要提交一次作业并且参加讨论,不然就会被踢出群。我最后的作业一共写了2万多个字。





YC的声誉和课程的质量, 即便不创业,认真看都会收益颇丰。而对于我来说,多年后能再度和笑来本人一起学习,绝对是一个千载难逢的好机会。

李笑来老师是一个自我从2002年第一次上他的新东方课的时候就特别钦佩的人,也是一位多年如一日不断学习不断进步的榜样。这次和他一起学习YC的课, 笑来老师的作业最多,应该也是相对最认真的。


学徒制 的再次了解和认知


群组里面有个同学,每次学习课程的时候都会花一定的时间去了解演讲者的背景和提到的公司背景。 这非常有必要。 思考一下:为什么演讲者会侧重这个点来分析? 这个知识点的例子是否除了演讲者自己的经历之外可以复用?


所以这次我有一点比较满意自己,在清明旅游的火车上,我强迫自己一定要看完,再不行就读完所有的课程transcript, 然后挑出值得讨论的点去重点写做。 (但后来看,清明期间的文章质量的确不如平时更专注的作业效果。)

为什么他这点好,得到了大多数人的赞同或者老师的肯定? 为什么你没有想到? 是因为你根本想不到还是你没有用心思考?是因为你根本没往那里想,还是因为你根本没有能力往那边想。


这次能在离开学校许久之后,再次集中性的学习,是一件很有意思,收获很大的事情。最后用最近Elon Musk 的前妻,在Quora上回答问题: How can I be as great as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, and Richard Branson? ,做结尾。这篇”答案“ 里面有很多优美的句子,精准总结了一个优秀的创业者的不寻常。 而这些,都是你能在YC这20节课中按图索骥的。

Extreme success results from an extreme personality and comes at the cost of many other things.

If you're extreme, you must be what you are, which means that happiness is more or less beside the point.

These people tend to be freaks and misfits who were forced to **experience the world in an unusually challenging way. **

They developed strategies to survive, and as they grow older they find ways to apply these strategies to other things, and create for themselves a distinct and powerful advantage. They don't think the way other people think. They see things from angles that unlock new ideas and insights. Other people consider them to be somewhat insane.

Be obsessed.

Be obsessed.

**Be obsessed. **

Extreme people combine brilliance and talent with an insane work ethic, so if the work itself doesn't drive you, you will burn out or fall by the wayside or your extreme competitors will crush you and make you cry.

Follow your obsessions until a problem starts to emerge, a big meaty challenging problem that impacts as many people as possible, that you feel hellbent to solve or die trying. **It might take years to find that problem, because you have to explore different bodies of knowledge, collect the dots and then connect and complete them. **

It helps to have superhuman energy and stamina...There will be jet lag, mental fatigue, bouts of hard partying, loneliness, pointless meetings, major setbacks, family drama, issues with the Significant Other you rarely see, dark nights of the soul, people who bore and annoy you, little sleep, less sleep than that. Keep your body sharp to keep your mind sharp. It pays off.

Learn to handle a level of stress that would break most people.

They do not fear failure -- or they do, but they move ahead anyway. They will experience heroic, spectacular, humiliating, very public failure but find a way to reframe until it isn't failure at all. ** When they fail in ways that other people won't, they learn things that other people don't and never will. **They have incredible grit and resilience.

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