
Integrating Coexpression Network

2019-11-29  本文已影响0人  Zhai1994

0. 简介

这篇文章是来自于明尼苏达大学的Chad L. Myers在The Plant Cell发表的关于整合共表达网络与GWAS来挖掘玉米中的causal genes.


1. 摘要

2. 前言

3. 结果

3.1 Camoco: 整合GWAS结果与共表达网络的框架 (Camoco: A framework for integrating GWAS results and comparing coexpression networks)

Subnetwork locality measures the proportion of significant (Z > 3) coex- pression interactions among genes within a GWAS-derived subnetwork (local interactions) as compared with the number of global interactions with other genes in the genome (global interactions)

Specifically, locality is obtained by first fitting a linear regression between all genes’ local degree (among the subnetwork of interest) and their global degree and measuring the mean of the residual for genes in the subnetwork (Equation 2).

3.2 从不同类型的转录组数据中建立共表达网络 (Generating coexpression networks from diverse transcriptional data)

3.3 考虑顺式基因相互作用 (Accounting for cis gene interactions)

3.4 Camoco框架的评估 (Evaluation of the Camoco Framework)

3.5 模拟的GWAS数据表明对于MCR和FCR来说具有很强的共表达信号 (Simulated GWAS Data Sets Show Robust Coexpression Signal to MCR and FCR)

Subnetwork density and locality were calculated for the simulated candidate genes corresponding to each SNP-to-gene mapping combination, in each network, to evaluate the decay of coex pression signal as FCR increases

3.6 High-Priority Candidate Causal Genes under Ionomic GWAS Loci

3.7 Genotypically Diverse Networks Support Stronger Candidate Gene Discoveries Than Tissue Atlases

The ZmRoot coexpression network proved to be the strongest input, discovering genes for 15 of the 17 elements (absent in Ni and Rb) for a total of 335 HPO genes, ranging from 1 to 126 per trait

4. 讨论

5. 方法

5.1 共表达网络的构建与质控(Construction and quality control of coexpression networks)

5.2 SNP-to-Gene Mapping and Effective Loci

Candidate genes were ranked by the absolute value of their distance to the center of their parental effective locus. Algorithms implementing the SNP-to-gene mapping used here are accessible through the Camoco command line interface.

5.3 Calculating subnetwork density and locality

To quantify network locality, both local and global degree are calculated for each gene within a subnetwork where local degree is the number of interactions to other genes in the subnetwork and global degree is the total number of interactions a gene has. To account for degree bias, where genes with a high global degree are more likely to have more local interactions, a linear regression is calculated on local degree using global degree (designated local ; global), and regression residuals for each gene are analyzed:

Subnetwork\ Locality\ (subnetwork\ S)=\frac{\sum\limits_{all\ genes\ i \in S}Gene-Specific\ Locality\ (gene\ i)}{N_g}

5.4 Simulating GWAS Using GO Terms

5.5 Simulating MCR

The effects of MCR were evaluated by subjecting GO terms with significant coexpression (P # 0.05; described above) to varying levels of MCRs. True GO term genes were replaced with random genes at varying rates (MCR: 0, 10, 20, 50, 80, 90, and 100%). The effect of MCR was evaluated by as- sessing the number of GO terms that retained significant coexpression (compared with 1000 randomizations) at each level of MCR.

5.6 Adding False Candidate Genes by Expanding SNP-to-Gene Mapping Parameters

To determine how false candidates due to imperfect SNP-to-gene map- ping affected the ability to detect coexpressed candidate genes linked to a GWAS trait, GO terms with significantly coexpressed genes were re- assessed after incorporating false candidate genes. Each gene in a GO term was treated as an SNP and remapped to a set of candidate genes using the different SNP-to-gene mapping parameters (all combinations of 50, 100, and 500 kb and one, two, or five flanking genes). Effective FCR at each SNP-to-gene mapping parameter setting was calculated by dividing the number of true GO genes with candidates identified after SNP-to-gene mapping. Since varying SNP-to-gene mapping pa- rameters changes the number of candidate genes considered within a term, each term was considered independently for each parameter combination.

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