Cost is the Maximum Price to Giv

2018-09-04  本文已影响0人  南北1

Better and Better                                                                                              Day 11

    Many people think that costs are the resources they have already paid,such as money,tome,and so on. As a result,most people spend the rest of their lives on the road to saving “costs”and never figure out what the cost is. Economics argues that cost is the maximum price to give up. Choosing A, you have to give up B, then B is the cost of choosing A. Most of the time, to choosing A, you may not just need to give up B, but also give up a series of choices. Then the choice with maximum price is the cost of choosing A. For example, when calculating the cost of college, we should not only consider tuition, but also take the income of working instead into consideration. Making friends also has the cost. On the same occasion, you make friends also with ZhangSan, so you don’t have time to make friends with LiSi, then LiSi will become the cost of making ZhangSan.


                                                                                                            Sept.4th ,2018                                                                                                                    Bazhou.


