Java编程思想(十四) 泛型

2022-06-20  本文已影响0人  kaiker


public class Holder2 {
  private Object a;
  public Holder2(Object a) { this.a = a; }
  public void set(Object a) { this.a = a; }
  public Object get() { return a; }
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Holder2 h2 = new Holder2(new Automobile());
    Automobile a = (Automobile)h2.get();
    h2.set("Not an Automobile");
    String s = (String)h2.get();
    h2.set(1); // Autoboxes to Integer
    Integer x = (Integer)h2.get();
} ///:~

public class Holder3<T> {
  private T a;
  public Holder3(T a) { this.a = a; }
  public void set(T a) { this.a = a; }
  public T get() { return a; }
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Holder3<Automobile> h3 =
      new Holder3<Automobile>(new Automobile());
    Automobile a = h3.get(); // No cast needed
    // h3.set("Not an Automobile"); // Error
    // h3.set(1); // Error
} ///:~


public class CoffeeGenerator
implements Generator<Coffee>, Iterable<Coffee> {
  private Class[] types = { Latte.class, Mocha.class,
    Cappuccino.class, Americano.class, Breve.class, };
  private static Random rand = new Random(47);
  public CoffeeGenerator() {}
  // For iteration:
  private int size = 0;
  public CoffeeGenerator(int sz) { size = sz; } 
  public Coffee next() {
    try {
      return (Coffee)
      // Report programmer errors at run time:
    } catch(Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
  class CoffeeIterator implements Iterator<Coffee> {
    int count = size;
    public boolean hasNext() { return count > 0; }
    public Coffee next() {
    public void remove() { // Not implemented
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
  public Iterator<Coffee> iterator() {
    return new CoffeeIterator();
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    CoffeeGenerator gen = new CoffeeGenerator();
    for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    for(Coffee c : new CoffeeGenerator(5))
} /* Output:
Americano 0
Latte 1
Americano 2
Mocha 3
Mocha 4
Breve 5
Americano 6
Latte 7
Cappuccino 8
Cappuccino 9


public class GenericMethods {
  public <T> void f(T x) {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    GenericMethods gm = new GenericMethods();
} /* Output:


public class BasicGenerator<T> implements Generator<T> {
  private Class<T> type;
  public BasicGenerator(Class<T> type){ this.type = type; }
  public T next() {
    try {
      // Assumes type is a public class:
      return type.newInstance();
    } catch(Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
  // Produce a Default generator given a type token:
  public static <T> Generator<T> create(Class<T> type) {
    return new BasicGenerator<T>(type);
} ///:~


class Customer {
  private static long counter = 1;
  private final long id = counter++;
  private Customer() {}
  public String toString() { return "Customer " + id; }
  // A method to produce Generator objects:
  public static Generator<Customer> generator() {
    return new Generator<Customer>() {
      public Customer next() { return new Customer(); }

class Teller {
  private static long counter = 1;
  private final long id = counter++;
  private Teller() {}
  public String toString() { return "Teller " + id; }
  // A single Generator object:
  public static Generator<Teller> generator =
    new Generator<Teller>() {
      public Teller next() { return new Teller(); }

public class BankTeller {
  public static void serve(Teller t, Customer c) {
    System.out.println(t + " serves " + c);
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Random rand = new Random(47);
    Queue<Customer> line = new LinkedList<Customer>();
    Generators.fill(line, Customer.generator(), 15);
    List<Teller> tellers = new ArrayList<Teller>();
    Generators.fill(tellers, Teller.generator, 4);
    for(Customer c : line)
      serve(tellers.get(rand.nextInt(tellers.size())), c);
} /* Output:
Teller 3 serves Customer 1
Teller 2 serves Customer 2
Teller 3 serves Customer 3
Teller 1 serves Customer 4
Teller 1 serves Customer 5
Teller 3 serves Customer 6
Teller 1 serves Customer 7
Teller 2 serves Customer 8
Teller 3 serves Customer 9
Teller 3 serves Customer 10
Teller 2 serves Customer 11
Teller 4 serves Customer 12
Teller 2 serves Customer 13
Teller 1 serves Customer 14
Teller 1 serves Customer 15


public class GenericHolder<T> {
  private T obj;
  public void set(T obj) { this.obj = obj; }
  public T get() { return obj; }
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    GenericHolder<String> holder =
      new GenericHolder<String>();
    String s = holder.get();
} ///:~


public class Erased<T> {
  private final int SIZE = 100;
  public static void f(Object arg) {
    if(arg instanceof T) {}          // Error
    T var = new T();                 // Error
    T[] array = new T[SIZE];         // Error
    T[] array = (T)new Object[SIZE]; // Unchecked warning
} ///:~
class ClassAsFactory<T> {
  T x;
  public ClassAsFactory(Class<T> kind) {
    try {
      x = kind.newInstance();
    } catch(Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
public class GenericArray<T> {
  private T[] array;
  public GenericArray(int sz) {
    array = (T[])new Object[sz];
  public void put(int index, T item) {
    array[index] = item;
  public T get(int index) { return array[index]; }
  // Method that exposes the underlying representation:
  public T[] rep() { return array; }    
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    GenericArray<Integer> gai =
      new GenericArray<Integer>(10);
    // This causes a ClassCastException:
    //! Integer[] ia = gai.rep();
    // This is OK:
    Object[] oa = gai.rep();
} ///:~
public class GenericArray2<T> {
  private Object[] array;
  public GenericArray2(int sz) {
    array = new Object[sz];
  public void put(int index, T item) {
    array[index] = item;
  public T get(int index) { return (T)array[index]; }
  public T[] rep() {
    return (T[])array; // Warning: unchecked cast
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    GenericArray2<Integer> gai =
      new GenericArray2<Integer>(10);
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i ++)
      gai.put(i, i);
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i ++)
      System.out.print(gai.get(i) + " ");
    try {
      Integer[] ia = gai.rep();
    } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e); }
} /* Output: (Sample)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to [Ljava.lang.Integer;


class HoldItem<T> {
  T item;
  HoldItem(T item) { this.item = item; }
  T getItem() { return item; }

class Colored2<T extends HasColor> extends HoldItem<T> {
  Colored2(T item) { super(item); }
  java.awt.Color color() { return item.getColor(); }

class ColoredDimension2<T extends Dimension & HasColor>
extends Colored2<T> {
  ColoredDimension2(T item) {  super(item); }
  int getX() { return item.x; }
  int getY() { return item.y; }
  int getZ() { return item.z; }

class Solid2<T extends Dimension & HasColor & Weight>
extends ColoredDimension2<T> {
  Solid2(T item) {  super(item); }
  int weight() { return item.weight(); }

public class InheritBounds {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Solid2<Bounded> solid2 =
      new Solid2<Bounded>(new Bounded());
} ///:~


public class GenericsAndCovariance {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Wildcards allow covariance:
    List<? extends Fruit> flist = new ArrayList<Apple>();
    // Compile Error: can't add any type of object:
    // flist.add(new Apple());
    // flist.add(new Fruit());
    // flist.add(new Object());
    flist.add(null); // Legal but uninteresting
    // We know that it returns at least Fruit:
    Fruit f = flist.get(0);
} ///:~
public class Holder<T> {
  private T value;
  public Holder() {}
  public Holder(T val) { value = val; }
  public void set(T val) { value = val; }
  public T get() { return value; }
  public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    return value.equals(obj);
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Holder<Apple> Apple = new Holder<Apple>(new Apple());
    Apple d = Apple.get();
    // Holder<Fruit> Fruit = Apple; // Cannot upcast
    Holder<? extends Fruit> fruit = Apple; // OK
    Fruit p = fruit.get();
    d = (Apple)fruit.get(); // Returns 'Object'
    try {
      Orange c = (Orange)fruit.get(); // No warning
    } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e); }
    // fruit.set(new Apple()); // Cannot call set()
    // fruit.set(new Fruit()); // Cannot call set()
    System.out.println(fruit.equals(d)); // OK
} /* Output: (Sample)
java.lang.ClassCastException: Apple cannot be cast to Orange


public class SuperTypeWildcards {
  static void writeTo(List<? super Apple> apples) {
    apples.add(new Apple());
    apples.add(new Jonathan());
    // apples.add(new Fruit()); // Error
} ///:~


public class Wildcards {
   // Raw argument:
  static void rawArgs(Holder holder, Object arg) {
    // holder.set(arg); // Warning:
    //   Unchecked call to set(T) as a
    //   member of the raw type Holder
    // holder.set(new Wildcards()); // Same warning

    // Can't do this; don't have any 'T':
    // T t = holder.get();

    // OK, but type information has been lost:
    Object obj = holder.get();
  // Similar to rawArgs(), but errors instead of warnings:
  static void unboundedArg(Holder<?> holder, Object arg) {
    // holder.set(arg); // Error:
    //   set(capture of ?) in Holder<capture of ?>
    //   cannot be applied to (Object)
    // holder.set(new Wildcards()); // Same error

    // Can't do this; don't have any 'T':
    // T t = holder.get();

    // OK, but type information has been lost:
    Object obj = holder.get();
  static <T> T exact1(Holder<T> holder) {
    T t = holder.get();
    return t;
  static <T> T exact2(Holder<T> holder, T arg) {
    T t = holder.get();
    return t;
  static <T>
  T wildSubtype(Holder<? extends T> holder, T arg) {
    // holder.set(arg); // Error:
    //   set(capture of ? extends T) in
    //   Holder<capture of ? extends T>
    //   cannot be applied to (T)
    T t = holder.get();
    return t;
  static <T>
  void wildSupertype(Holder<? super T> holder, T arg) {
    // T t = holder.get();  // Error:
    //   Incompatible types: found Object, required T

    // OK, but type information has been lost:
    Object obj = holder.get();
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Holder raw = new Holder<Long>();
    // Or:
    raw = new Holder();
    Holder<Long> qualified = new Holder<Long>();
    Holder<?> unbounded = new Holder<Long>();
    Holder<? extends Long> bounded = new Holder<Long>();
    Long lng = 1L;

    rawArgs(raw, lng);
    rawArgs(qualified, lng);
    rawArgs(unbounded, lng);
    rawArgs(bounded, lng);
    unboundedArg(raw, lng);
    unboundedArg(qualified, lng);
    unboundedArg(unbounded, lng);
    unboundedArg(bounded, lng);

    // Object r1 = exact1(raw); // Warnings:
    //   Unchecked conversion from Holder to Holder<T>
    //   Unchecked method invocation: exact1(Holder<T>)
    //   is applied to (Holder)
    Long r2 = exact1(qualified);
    Object r3 = exact1(unbounded); // Must return Object
    Long r4 = exact1(bounded);
    // Long r5 = exact2(raw, lng); // Warnings:
    //   Unchecked conversion from Holder to Holder<Long>
    //   Unchecked method invocation: exact2(Holder<T>,T)
    //   is applied to (Holder,Long)
    Long r6 = exact2(qualified, lng);
    // Long r7 = exact2(unbounded, lng); // Error:
    //   exact2(Holder<T>,T) cannot be applied to
    //   (Holder<capture of ?>,Long)
    // Long r8 = exact2(bounded, lng); // Error:
    //   exact2(Holder<T>,T) cannot be applied
    //   to (Holder<capture of ? extends Long>,Long)
    // Long r9 = wildSubtype(raw, lng); // Warnings:
    //   Unchecked conversion from Holder
    //   to Holder<? extends Long>
    //   Unchecked method invocation:
    //   wildSubtype(Holder<? extends T>,T) is
    //   applied to (Holder,Long)
    Long r10 = wildSubtype(qualified, lng);
    // OK, but can only return Object:
    Object r11 = wildSubtype(unbounded, lng);
    Long r12 = wildSubtype(bounded, lng);
    // wildSupertype(raw, lng); // Warnings:
    //   Unchecked conversion from Holder
    //   to Holder<? super Long>
    //   Unchecked method invocation:
    //   wildSupertype(Holder<? super T>,T)
    //   is applied to (Holder,Long)
    wildSupertype(qualified, lng);
    // wildSupertype(unbounded, lng); // Error:
    //   wildSupertype(Holder<? super T>,T) cannot be
    //   applied to (Holder<capture of ?>,Long)
    // wildSupertype(bounded, lng); // Error:
    //   wildSupertype(Holder<? super T>,T) cannot be
    //  applied to (Holder<capture of ? extends Long>,Long)
} ///:~




interface Payable<T> {}

class Employee implements Payable<Employee> {}
class Hourly extends Employee
  implements Payable<Hourly> {} ///:~


public class UseList<W,T> {
  void f(List<T> v) {}
  void f(List<W> v) {}
} ///:~


public class ComparablePet
implements Comparable<ComparablePet> {
  public int compareTo(ComparablePet arg) { return 0; }
} ///:~

class Cat extends ComparablePet implements Comparable<Cat>{
  // Error: Comparable cannot be inherited with
  // different arguments: <Cat> and <Pet>
  public int compareTo(Cat arg) { return 0; }
} ///:~


class SelfBounded<T extends SelfBound<T>>

public class BasicHolder<T> {
  T element;
  void set(T arg) { element = arg; }
  T get() { return element; }
  void f() {
} ///:~

class Subtype extends BasicHolder<Subtype> {}

public class CRGWithBasicHolder {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Subtype st1 = new Subtype(), st2 = new Subtype();
    Subtype st3 = st1.get();
} /* Output:
class Other {}
class BasicOther extends BasicHolder<Other> {}

public class Unconstrained {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    BasicOther b = new BasicOther(), b2 = new BasicOther();
    b.set(new Other());
    Other other = b.get();
} /* Output:
class SelfBounded<T extends SelfBounded<T>> {
  T element;
  SelfBounded<T> set(T arg) {
    element = arg;
    return this;
  T get() { return element; }

class A extends SelfBounded<A> {}
class B extends SelfBounded<A> {} // Also OK

class C extends SelfBounded<C> {
  C setAndGet(C arg) { set(arg); return get(); }

class D {}
// Can't do this:
// class E extends SelfBounded<D> {}
// Compile error: Type parameter D is not within its bound

// Alas, you can do this, so you can't force the idiom:
class F extends SelfBounded {}

public class SelfBounding {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    A a = new A();
    a.set(new A());
    a = a.set(new A()).get();
    a = a.get();
    C c = new C();
    c = c.setAndGet(new C());
} ///:~



Class Dog:
  def speak(self):
    print "Arf"

Class Robot:
  def speak(self):
    print "Click"

def perform(anything):
// Does not implement Performs:
class Mime {
  public void walkAgainstTheWind() {}
  public void sit() { print("Pretending to sit"); }
  public void pushInvisibleWalls() {}
  public String toString() { return "Mime"; }

// Does not implement Performs:
class SmartDog {
  public void speak() { print("Woof!"); }
  public void sit() { print("Sitting"); }
  public void reproduce() {}

class CommunicateReflectively {
  public static void perform(Object speaker) {
    Class<?> spkr = speaker.getClass();
    try {
      try {
        Method speak = spkr.getMethod("speak");
      } catch(NoSuchMethodException e) {
        print(speaker + " cannot speak");
      try {
        Method sit = spkr.getMethod("sit");
      } catch(NoSuchMethodException e) {
        print(speaker + " cannot sit");
    } catch(Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(speaker.toString(), e);

public class LatentReflection {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    CommunicateReflectively.perform(new SmartDog());
    CommunicateReflectively.perform(new Robot());
    CommunicateReflectively.perform(new Mime());
} /* Output:
Mime cannot speak
Pretending to sit
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