Day 009  商业——柯达撒币 (EP0208)

2018-02-08  本文已影响0人  danielyu小于


1975年,柯达发明了数码相机,一跃成为胶卷巨头。但公司没有把握住数码时代的发展机遇,发展不断受挫,于2012年申请破产保护。在今年的拉斯维加斯消费电子展 (CES: Consumer Electronics Show) 上,柯达却推出了让人意料不到的重磅武器——“柯达币”,宣布正式进军区块链市场。与此同时,柯达还上线了一个买卖和授权图片、视频以及其它版权内容的区块链交易平台 KodakOne,摄影师可以通过区块链技术在该平台上买卖作品,交易过程使用加密货币“柯达币”。但事实上,受支付速度和费率问题的影响,目前虚拟货币的交易并不顺畅。即便如此,柯达的股价在两天内翻了三倍,足见加密货币疯狂飙涨的威力。如今凭借炙手可热的区块链技术,柯达是否能完成华丽变身?我们拭目以待!



Snap【 n. 拍照;照相】 shackle【n. 钩锁;手铐】类似于boob泡沫 to pop【vi. 崩开;弹开;突然出现;流行】? Kodak's ICO【n. 首次代币发售(Initial Coin Offering)】

①-③  介绍数字货币大背景以及 KodakCoin的出现及用途

① There isn't yet a digital token【 数字货币;电子货币】 called RichandstupidCoin, but it would almost certainly raise millions.

② Today's batch【n. 一批】 of initial coin offerings, in which firms issue【vt. 发行;发布】 a token that can be used to buy and sell whatever service they are financing, includes KodakCoin.

③ The idea is that photographers register【vt. 登记;注册】their work 作品on a blockchain【区块链】-based rights-management system; payment for use of their images will be made with the tokens.

④-⑤ KodakCoin等cryto-currency 的不方便之处

④ But a crypto-currency 【n. 加密货币】 hinders【 vi. 妨碍】 rather than helps.


⑤ Why would a photographer want to be paid in a token that would be hard to turn into cash when they could use an agency that pays them with actual moolah【=money美国口语】?

⑥-⑦  Kodak的做法以及unveil后的结果狂涨3倍

⑥ Kodak, which will own 3% of all the coins and take royalties【n. 版税;中间抽成费用】 from each transaction【n. 交易】, will not care.

⑦ Its shares soared when plans for KodakCoin were unveiled【vt. 揭晓;公开宣布;揭去面纱】 earlier this month, proving that fools can be parted from their money in many different markets.


IPO: initial public offering (首次公开募股)

ICO: initial coin offering(n. 首次代币发售)

Bitcoin: n. 比特币

snap /snap/: n. 拍照;照相

shackle /ˈʃak(ə)l/: n. 钩锁;手铐

snap shackle: 弹簧钩;钩锁

pop /pɒp/: vi. 崩开;弹开;突然出现;流行

digital token / currency: 数字货币;电子货币

token /ˈtoʊkən/: n. 代币;象征

batch /batʃ/: n. 一批

issue /ˈɪsjuː, ˈɪʃuː /: vt. 发行;发布

register /ˈrɛdʒɪstə/: vt. 登记;注册

blockchain /ˈblɒktʃeɪn/: n. 区块链

crypto-currency /ˈkrɪptəʊˌkʌr(ə)nsi/: n. 加密货币

crypto-communist: n. 地下党员

hinder /ˈhɪndə/: vi. 妨碍

moolah /ˈmuːlə/: n. 钱

royalty /ˈrɔɪəlti/: n. 版税;中间抽成费用

soar /sɔr/: vi. 急剧增长;翱翔

unveil /ˌənˈveɪl/: vt. 揭晓;公开宣布;揭去面纱

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