
2019-02-16  本文已影响105人  ZQtGe6

cs.AI - 人工智能
cs.CL - 计算与语言
cs.CR - 加密与安全
cs.CV - 机器视觉与模式识别
cs.CY - 计算与社会
cs.DC - 分布式、并行与集群计算
cs.IT - 信息论
cs.LG - 自动学习
cs.MM - 多媒体
cs.NE - 神经与进化计算
cs.RO - 机器人学
cs.SD - 声音处理
cs.SI - 社交网络与信息网络
math.PR - 概率
math.ST - 统计理论
physics.soc-ph - 物理学与社会
q-bio.GN - 基因组学
q-bio.PE - 人口与发展
stat.AP - 应用统计
stat.ME - 统计方法论
stat.ML - (统计)机器学习

• [cs.AI]Learn a Prior for RHEA for Better Online Planning
• [cs.AI]Optimization problems with low SWaP tactical Computing
• [cs.AI]Procrastinating with Confidence: Near-Optimal, Anytime, Adaptive Algorithm Configuration
• [cs.AI]VERIFAI: A Toolkit for the Design and Analysis of Artificial Intelligence-Based Systems
• [cs.CL]Categorical Metadata Representation for Customized Text Classification
• [cs.CL]Leveraging Newswire Treebanks for Parsing Conversational Data with Argument Scrambling
• [cs.CL]Transfer Learning for Sequence Labeling Using Source Model and Target Data
• [cs.CR]Estimating the Circuit Deobfuscating Runtime based on Graph Deep Learning
• [cs.CR]SoK: Transparent Dishonesty: front-running attacks on Blockchain
• [cs.CV]3D Face Modeling from Diverse Raw Scan Data
• [cs.CV]3D Graph Embedding Learning with a Structure-aware Loss Function for Point Cloud Semantic Instance Segmentation
• [cs.CV]Automatic Labeled LiDAR Data Generation based on Precise Human Model
• [cs.CV]Box-level Segmentation Supervised Deep Neural Networks for Accurate and Real-time Multispectral Pedestrian Detection
• [cs.CV]Breast Cancer: Model Reconstruction and Image Registration from Segmented Deformed Image using Visual and Force based Analysis
• [cs.CV]Computed tomography data collection of the complete human mandible and valid clinical ground truth models
• [cs.CV]Deep Generative Endmember Modeling: An Application to Unsupervised Spectral Unmixing
• [cs.CV]Deep HVS-IQA Net: Human Visual System Inspired Deep Image Quality Assessment Networks
• [cs.CV]DeeperLab: Single-Shot Image Parser
• [cs.CV]Direct Automatic Coronary Calcium Scoring in Cardiac and Chest CT
• [cs.CV]Dynamical system based obstacle avoidance via manipulating orthogonal coordinates
• [cs.CV]Exploring Frame Segmentation Networks for Temporal Action Localization
• [cs.CV]Field of Interest Prediction for Computer-Aided Mitotic Count
• [cs.CV]Highly Efficient Follicular Segmentation in Thyroid Cytopathological Whole Slide Image
• [cs.CV]Improving Facial Emotion Recognition Systems Using Gradient and Laplacian Images
• [cs.CV]Integrating Propositional and Relational Label Side Information for Hierarchical Zero-Shot Image Classification
• [cs.CV]Long and Short Memory Balancing in Visual Co-Tracking using Q-Learning
• [cs.CV]MultiGrain: a unified image embedding for classes and instances
• [cs.CV]Non-contact photoplethysmogram and instantaneous heart rate estimation from infrared face video
• [cs.CV]On instabilities of deep learning in image reconstruction - Does AI come at a cost?
• [cs.CV]Predicting Food Security Outcomes Using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for Satellite Tasking
• [cs.CV]Situation-Aware Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction with Spatio-Temporal Attention Model
• [cs.CV]Sparse and noisy LiDAR completion with RGB guidance and uncertainty
• [cs.CV]Structured Bayesian Compression for Deep models in mobile enabled devices for connected healthcare
• [cs.CY]A Framework towards Quantifying Human Restorativeness in Virtual Built Environments
• [cs.DC]Accelerating Partial Evaluation in Distributed SPARQL Query Evaluation
• [cs.DC]GPU Accelerated AES Algorithm
• [cs.DC]GPU Accelerated Keccak (SHA3) Algorithm
• [cs.DC]The AtLarge Vision on the Design of Distributed Systems and Ecosystems
• [cs.IT]A Covariance-Based Hybrid Channel Feedback in FDD Massive MIMO Systems
• [cs.IT]Atomic Norm Denoising for Complex Exponentials with Unknown Waveform Modulations
• [cs.IT]Classification in a Large Network
• [cs.IT]Data Correlation-Aware Resource Management in Wireless Virtual Reality (VR): An Echo State Transfer Learning Approach
• [cs.IT]Geometry of Arimoto Algorithm
• [cs.LG]A Broad Class of Discrete-Time Hypercomplex-Valued Hopfield Neural Networks
• [cs.LG]A Study on Graph-Structured Recurrent Neural Networks and Sparsification with Application to Epidemic Forecasting
• [cs.LG]Anytime Tail Averaging
• [cs.LG]Learning to Control Self-Assembling Morphologies: A Study of Generalization via Modularity
• [cs.LG]On Lightweight Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Learning for IoT Objects
• [cs.LG]On Many-to-Many Mapping Between Concordance Correlation Coefficient and Mean Square Error
• [cs.LG]Prediction of Malignant & Benign Breast Cancer: A Data Mining Approach in Healthcare Applications
• [cs.LG]Sinkhorn Divergence of Topological Signature Estimates for Time Series Classification
• [cs.LG]Stable multi-instance learning visa causal inference
• [cs.LG]Superposition of many models into one
• [cs.LG]The Complexity of Making the Gradient Small in Stochastic Convex Optimization
• [cs.LG]Weighted Tensor Completion for Time-Series Causal Inference
• [cs.MM]Multimodal music information processing and retrieval: survey and future challenges
• [cs.NE]Engineered Self-Organization for Resilient Robot Self-Assembly with Minimal Surprise
• [cs.NE]Some Interesting Features of Memristor CNN
• [cs.RO]A framework for synchronizing a team of aerial robots in communication-limited environments
• [cs.RO]Manipulating Soft Tissues by Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Robotic Surgery
• [cs.RO]Multi-Objective Policy Generation for Multi-Robot Systems Using Riemannian Motion Policies
• [cs.RO]Performance Analysis of Series Elastic Actuator based on Maximum Torque Transmissibility
• [cs.RO]Predicting Ergonomic Risks During Indoor Object Manipulation Using Spatiotemporal Convolutional Networks
• [cs.RO]Robotic-assisted Ultrasound for Fetal Imaging: Evolution from Single-arm to Dual-arm System
• [cs.RO]Towards Accurate Force Control of Series Elastic Actuators Exploiting a Robust Transmission Force Observer
• [cs.RO]Unsupervised Visuomotor Control through Distributional Planning Networks
• [cs.SD]Enhanced Robot Speech Recognition Using Biomimetic Binaural Sound Source Localization
• [cs.SD]Improving performance and inference on audio classification tasks using capsule networks
• [cs.SI]A Cross-Repository Model for Predicting Popularity in GitHub
• [cs.SI]Network Semantic Segmentation with Application to GitHub
• [math.PR]Generalized semimodularity: order statistics
• [math.ST]Convergence analysis of Tikhonov regularization for non-linear statistical inverse learning problems
• [math.ST]Optimal disclosure risk assessment
• [math.ST]Rate-optimal nonparametric estimation for random coefficient regression models
• [physics.soc-ph]Regional economic status inference from information flow and talent mobility
• [physics.soc-ph]Sampling networks by nodal attributes
• [q-bio.GN]PLIT: An alignment-free computational tool for identification of long non-coding RNAs in plant transcriptomic datasets
• [q-bio.PE]Sequential importance sampling for multi-resolution Kingman-Tajima coalescent counting
• [stat.AP]Estimation of Gaussian directed acyclic graphs using partial ordering information with an application to dairy cattle data
• [stat.AP]OPENMENDEL: A Cooperative Programming Project for Statistical Genetics
• [stat.ME]A Parsimonious Tour of Bayesian Model Uncertainty
• [stat.ME]Adding new experimental arms to randomised clinical trials: impact on error rates
• [stat.ME]Joint Tracking of Multiple Quantiles Through Conditional Quantiles
• [stat.ME]Multiple Systems Estimation for Sparse Capture Data: Inferential Challenges when there are Non-Overlapping Lists
• [stat.ME]Structured Shrinkage Priors
• [stat.ML]Classifying Treatment Responders Under Causal Effect Monotonicity
• [stat.ML]Generalisation in fully-connected neural networks for time series forecasting
• [stat.ML]On Reinforcement Learning Using Monte Carlo Tree Search with Supervised Learning: Non-Asymptotic Analysis
• [stat.ML]On the Convergence of Extended Variational Inference for Non-Gaussian Statistical Models
• [stat.ML]Probabilistic Neural Architecture Search
• [stat.ML]Rethinking Generative Coverage: A Pointwise Guaranteed Approach


• [cs.AI]Learn a Prior for RHEA for Better Online Planning
Xin Tong, Weiming Liu, Bin Li

• [cs.AI]Optimization problems with low SWaP tactical Computing
Mee Seong Im, Venkat R. Dasari, Lubjana Beshaj, Dale Shires

• [cs.AI]Procrastinating with Confidence: Near-Optimal, Anytime, Adaptive Algorithm Configuration
Robert Kleinberg, Kevin Leyton-Brown, Brendan Lucier, Devon Graham

• [cs.AI]VERIFAI: A Toolkit for the Design and Analysis of Artificial Intelligence-Based Systems
Tommaso Dreossi, Daniel J. Fremont, Shromona Ghosh, Edward Kim, Hadi Ravanbakhsh, Marcell Vazquez-Chanlatte, Sanjit A. Seshia

• [cs.CL]Categorical Metadata Representation for Customized Text Classification
Jihyeok Kim, Reinald Kim Amplayo, Kyungjae Lee, Sua Sung, Minji Seo, Seung-won Hwang

• [cs.CL]Leveraging Newswire Treebanks for Parsing Conversational Data with Argument Scrambling
Riyaz Ahmad Bhat, Irshad Ahmad Bhat, Dipti Misra Sharma

• [cs.CL]Transfer Learning for Sequence Labeling Using Source Model and Target Data
Lingzhen Chen, Alessandro Moschitti

• [cs.CR]Estimating the Circuit Deobfuscating Runtime based on Graph Deep Learning
Zhiqian Chen, Gaurav Kolhe, Setareh Rafatirad, Sai Manoj P. D., Houman Homayoun, Liang Zhao, Chang-Tien Lu

• [cs.CR]SoK: Transparent Dishonesty: front-running attacks on Blockchain
Shayan Eskandari, Seyedehmahsa Moosavi, Jeremy Clark

• [cs.CV]3D Face Modeling from Diverse Raw Scan Data
Feng Liu, Luan Tran, Xiaoming Liu

• [cs.CV]3D Graph Embedding Learning with a Structure-aware Loss Function for Point Cloud Semantic Instance Segmentation
Zhidong Liang, Ming Yang, Chunxiang Wang

• [cs.CV]Automatic Labeled LiDAR Data Generation based on Precise Human Model
Wonjik Kim, Masayuki Tanaka, Masatoshi Okutomi, Yoko Sasaki

• [cs.CV]Box-level Segmentation Supervised Deep Neural Networks for Accurate and Real-time Multispectral Pedestrian Detection
Yanpeng Cao, Dayan Guan, Yulun Wu, Jiangxin Yang, Yanlong Cao, Michael Ying Yang

• [cs.CV]Breast Cancer: Model Reconstruction and Image Registration from Segmented Deformed Image using Visual and Force based Analysis
Shuvendu Rana, Rory Hampson, Gordon Dobie

• [cs.CV]Computed tomography data collection of the complete human mandible and valid clinical ground truth models
Jürgen Wallner, Irene Mischak, Jan Egger

• [cs.CV]Deep Generative Endmember Modeling: An Application to Unsupervised Spectral Unmixing
Ricardo Augusto Borsoi, Tales Imbiriba, José Carlos Moreira Bermudez

• [cs.CV]Deep HVS-IQA Net: Human Visual System Inspired Deep Image Quality Assessment Networks
Soomin Seo, Sehwan Ki, Munchurl Kim

• [cs.CV]DeeperLab: Single-Shot Image Parser
Tien-Ju Yang, Maxwell D. Collins, Yukun Zhu, Jyh-Jing Hwang, Ting Liu, Xiao Zhang, Vivienne Sze, George Papandreou, Liang-Chieh Chen

• [cs.CV]Direct Automatic Coronary Calcium Scoring in Cardiac and Chest CT
Bob D. de Vos, Jelmer M. Wolterink, Tim Leiner, Pim A. de Jong, Nikolas Lessmann, Ivana Isgum

• [cs.CV]Dynamical system based obstacle avoidance via manipulating orthogonal coordinates
Weiya Ren

• [cs.CV]Exploring Frame Segmentation Networks for Temporal Action Localization
Ke Yang, Xiaolong Shen, Peng Qiao, Shijie Li, Dongsheng Li, Yong Dou

• [cs.CV]Field of Interest Prediction for Computer-Aided Mitotic Count
Marc Aubreville, Christof A. Bertram, Christian Marzahl, Corinne Gurtner, Martina Dettwiler, Anja Schmidt, Florian Bartenschlager, Sophie Merz, Marco Fragoso, Olivia Kershaw, Robert Klopfleisch, Andreas Maier

• [cs.CV]Highly Efficient Follicular Segmentation in Thyroid Cytopathological Whole Slide Image
Siyan Tao, Yao Guo, Chuang Zhu, Huang Chen, Yue Zhang, Jie Yang, Jun Liu

• [cs.CV]Improving Facial Emotion Recognition Systems Using Gradient and Laplacian Images
Ram Krishna Pandey, Souvik Karmakar, A G Ramakrishnan, Nabagata Saha

• [cs.CV]Integrating Propositional and Relational Label Side Information for Hierarchical Zero-Shot Image Classification
Colin Samplawski, Heesung Kwon, Erik Learned-Miller, Benjamin M. Marlin

• [cs.CV]Long and Short Memory Balancing in Visual Co-Tracking using Q-Learning
Kourosh Meshgi, Maryam Sadat Mirzaei, Shigeyuki Oba

• [cs.CV]MultiGrain: a unified image embedding for classes and instances
Maxim Berman, Hervé Jégou, Andrea Vedaldi, Iasonas Kokkinos, Matthijs Douze

• [cs.CV]Non-contact photoplethysmogram and instantaneous heart rate estimation from infrared face video
Natalia Martinez, Martin Bertran, Guillermo Sapiro, Hau-Tieng Wu

• [cs.CV]On instabilities of deep learning in image reconstruction - Does AI come at a cost?
Vegard Antun, Francesco Renna, Clarice Poon, Ben Adcock, Anders C. Hansen

• [cs.CV]Predicting Food Security Outcomes Using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for Satellite Tasking
Swetava Ganguli, Jared Dunnmon, Darren Hau

• [cs.CV]Situation-Aware Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction with Spatio-Temporal Attention Model
Sirin Haddad, Meiqing Wu, He Wei, Siew Kei Lam

• [cs.CV]Sparse and noisy LiDAR completion with RGB guidance and uncertainty
Wouter Van Gansbeke, Davy Neven, Bert De Brabandere, Luc Van Gool

• [cs.CV]Structured Bayesian Compression for Deep models in mobile enabled devices for connected healthcare
Sijia Chen, Bin Song, Xiaojiang Du, Nadra Guizani

• [cs.CY]A Framework towards Quantifying Human Restorativeness in Virtual Built Environments
Zhengbo Zou, Semiha Ergan

• [cs.DC]Accelerating Partial Evaluation in Distributed SPARQL Query Evaluation
Peng Peng, Lei Zou, Runyu Guan

• [cs.DC]GPU Accelerated AES Algorithm
Canhui Wang, Xiaowen Chu

• [cs.DC]GPU Accelerated Keccak (SHA3) Algorithm
Canhui Wang, Xiaowen Chu

• [cs.DC]The AtLarge Vision on the Design of Distributed Systems and Ecosystems
Alexandru Iosup, Laurens Versluis, Animesh Trivedi, Erwin van Eyk, Lucian Toader, Vincent van Beek, Giulia Frascaria, Ahmed Musaafir, Sacheendra Talluri

• [cs.IT]A Covariance-Based Hybrid Channel Feedback in FDD Massive MIMO Systems
Shuang Qiu, David Gesbert, Da Chen, Tao Jiang

• [cs.IT]Atomic Norm Denoising for Complex Exponentials with Unknown Waveform Modulations
Shuang Li, Michael B. Wakin, Gongguo Tang

• [cs.IT]Classification in a Large Network
Vinay A. Vaishampayan

• [cs.IT]Data Correlation-Aware Resource Management in Wireless Virtual Reality (VR): An Echo State Transfer Learning Approach
Mingzhe Chen, Walid Saad, Changchuan Yin, Mérouane Debbah

• [cs.IT]Geometry of Arimoto Algorithm
Shoji Toyota

• [cs.LG]A Broad Class of Discrete-Time Hypercomplex-Valued Hopfield Neural Networks
Fidelis Zanetti de Castro, Marcos Eduardo Valle

• [cs.LG]A Study on Graph-Structured Recurrent Neural Networks and Sparsification with Application to Epidemic Forecasting
Zhijian Li, Xiyang Luo, Bao Wang, Andrea L. Bertozzi, Jack Xin

• [cs.LG]Anytime Tail Averaging
Nicolas Le Roux

• [cs.LG]Learning to Control Self-Assembling Morphologies: A Study of Generalization via Modularity
Deepak Pathak, Chris Lu, Trevor Darrell, Phillip Isola, Alexei A. Efros

• [cs.LG]On Lightweight Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Learning for IoT Objects
Linshan Jiang, Rui Tan, Xin Lou, Guosheng Lin

• [cs.LG]On Many-to-Many Mapping Between Concordance Correlation Coefficient and Mean Square Error
Vedhas Pandit, Björn Schuller

• [cs.LG]Prediction of Malignant & Benign Breast Cancer: A Data Mining Approach in Healthcare Applications
Vivek Kumar, Brojo Kumar Mishra, Manuel Mazzara, Abhishek Verma

• [cs.LG]Sinkhorn Divergence of Topological Signature Estimates for Time Series Classification
Colin Stephen

• [cs.LG]Stable multi-instance learning visa causal inference
Weijia Zhang

• [cs.LG]Superposition of many models into one
Brian Cheung, Alex Terekhov, Yubei Chen, Pulkit Agrawal, Bruno Olshausen

• [cs.LG]The Complexity of Making the Gradient Small in Stochastic Convex Optimization
Dylan J. Foster, Ayush Sekhari, Ohad Shamir, Nathan Srebro, Karthik Sridharan, Blake Woodworth

• [cs.LG]Weighted Tensor Completion for Time-Series Causal Inference
Debmalya Mandal, David Parkes

• [cs.MM]Multimodal music information processing and retrieval: survey and future challenges
Federico Simonetta, Stavros Ntalampiras, Federico Avanzini

• [cs.NE]Engineered Self-Organization for Resilient Robot Self-Assembly with Minimal Surprise
Tanja Katharina Kaiser, Heiko Hamann

• [cs.NE]Some Interesting Features of Memristor CNN
Makoto Itoh

• [cs.RO]A framework for synchronizing a team of aerial robots in communication-limited environments
J. M. Díaz-Báñez, L. E. Caraballo, M. A. Lopez, S. Bereg, I. Maza, A. Ollero

• [cs.RO]Manipulating Soft Tissues by Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Robotic Surgery
Ngoc Duy Nguyen, Thanh Nguyen, Saeid Nahavandi, Asim Bhatti, Glenn Guest

• [cs.RO]Multi-Objective Policy Generation for Multi-Robot Systems Using Riemannian Motion Policies
Anqi Li, Mustafa Mukadam, Magnus Egerstedt, Byron Boots

• [cs.RO]Performance Analysis of Series Elastic Actuator based on Maximum Torque Transmissibility
Chan Lee, Sehoon Oh

• [cs.RO]Predicting Ergonomic Risks During Indoor Object Manipulation Using Spatiotemporal Convolutional Networks
Behnoosh Parsa, Ekta U. Samani, Rose Hendrix, Shashi M. Singh, Santosh Devasia, Ashis G. Banerjee

• [cs.RO]Robotic-assisted Ultrasound for Fetal Imaging: Evolution from Single-arm to Dual-arm System
Shuangyi Wang, James Housden, Yohan Noh, Davinder Singh, Anisha Singh, Emily Skelton, Jacqueline Matthew, Cornelius Tan, Junghwan Back, Lukas Lindenroth, Alberto Gomez, Nicolas Toussaint, Veronika Zimmer, Caroline Knight, Tara Fletcher, David Lloyd, John Simpson, Dharmintra Pasupathy, Hongbin Liu, Kaspar Althoefer, Joseph Hajnal, Reza Razavi, Kawal Rhode

• [cs.RO]Towards Accurate Force Control of Series Elastic Actuators Exploiting a Robust Transmission Force Observer
Chan Lee, Jinoh Lee, Sehoon Oh

• [cs.RO]Unsupervised Visuomotor Control through Distributional Planning Networks
Tianhe Yu, Gleb Shevchuk, Dorsa Sadigh, Chelsea Finn

• [cs.SD]Enhanced Robot Speech Recognition Using Biomimetic Binaural Sound Source Localization
Jorge, Davila-Chacon, Jindong, Liu, Stefan, Wermter

• [cs.SD]Improving performance and inference on audio classification tasks using capsule networks
Royal Jain

• [cs.SI]A Cross-Repository Model for Predicting Popularity in GitHub
Neda Hajiakhoond Bidoki, Gita Sukthankar, Heather Keathley, Ivan Garibay

• [cs.SI]Network Semantic Segmentation with Application to GitHub
Neda Hajiakhoond Bidoki, Gita Sukthankar

• [math.PR]Generalized semimodularity: order statistics
Iosif Pinelis

• [math.ST]Convergence analysis of Tikhonov regularization for non-linear statistical inverse learning problems
Abhishake Rastogi, Gilles Blanchard, Peter Mathé

• [math.ST]Optimal disclosure risk assessment
Federico Camerlenghi, Stefano Favaro, Zacharie Naulet, Francesca Panero

• [math.ST]Rate-optimal nonparametric estimation for random coefficient regression models
Hajo Holzmann, Alexander Meister

• [physics.soc-ph]Regional economic status inference from information flow and talent mobility
Jun Wang, Jian Gao, Jin-Hu Liu, Dan Yang, Tao Zhou

• [physics.soc-ph]Sampling networks by nodal attributes
Yohsuke Murase, Hang-Hyun Jo, János Török, János Kertész, Kimmo Kaski

• [q-bio.GN]PLIT: An alignment-free computational tool for identification of long non-coding RNAs in plant transcriptomic datasets
S. Deshpande, J. Shuttleworth, J. Yang, S. Taramonli, M. England

• [q-bio.PE]Sequential importance sampling for multi-resolution Kingman-Tajima coalescent counting
Lorenzo Cappello, Julia A. Palacios

• [stat.AP]Estimation of Gaussian directed acyclic graphs using partial ordering information with an application to dairy cattle data
Syed Rahman, Kshitij Khare, George Michailidis, Carlos Martinez, Juan Carulla

• [stat.AP]OPENMENDEL: A Cooperative Programming Project for Statistical Genetics
Hua Zhou, Janet S. Sinsheimer, Christopher A. German, Sarah S. Ji, Douglas M. Bates, Benjamin B. Chu, Kevin L. Keys, Juhyun Kim, Seyoon Ko, Gordon D. Mosher, Jeanette C. Papp, Eric M. Sobel, Jing Zhai, Jin J. Zhou, Kenneth Lange

• [stat.ME]A Parsimonious Tour of Bayesian Model Uncertainty
Pierre-Alexandre Mattei

• [stat.ME]Adding new experimental arms to randomised clinical trials: impact on error rates
Babak Choodari-Oskooei, Daniel J Bratton, Melissa R Gannon, Angela M Meade, Matthew R Sydes, Mahesh KB Parmar

• [stat.ME]Joint Tracking of Multiple Quantiles Through Conditional Quantiles
Hugo Lewi Hammer, Anis Yazidi, Håvard Rue

• [stat.ME]Multiple Systems Estimation for Sparse Capture Data: Inferential Challenges when there are Non-Overlapping Lists
Lax Chan, Bernard W. Silverman, Kyle Vincent

• [stat.ME]Structured Shrinkage Priors
Maryclare Griffin, Peter D. Hoff

• [stat.ML]Classifying Treatment Responders Under Causal Effect Monotonicity
Nathan Kallus

• [stat.ML]Generalisation in fully-connected neural networks for time series forecasting
Anastasia Borovykh, Cornelis W. Oosterlee, Sander M. Bohte

• [stat.ML]On Reinforcement Learning Using Monte Carlo Tree Search with Supervised Learning: Non-Asymptotic Analysis
Devavrat Shah, Qiaomin Xie, Zhi Xu

• [stat.ML]On the Convergence of Extended Variational Inference for Non-Gaussian Statistical Models
Zhanyu Ma, Jalil Taghia, Jun Guo

• [stat.ML]Probabilistic Neural Architecture Search
Francesco Paolo Casale, Jonathan Gordon, Nicolo Fusi

• [stat.ML]Rethinking Generative Coverage: A Pointwise Guaranteed Approach
Peilin Zhong, Yuchen Mo, Chang Xiao, Pengyu Chen, Changxi Zheng


