Participation 参与

2019-05-29  本文已影响0人  Harry哈利

Good morning everyone! Firstly I would like to apologise again for my lateness. I really want to resolve this ‘late’ problem and so I’m going to find where the source is. After evaluating for much time, I found that self discipline and time management are the key aspects to becoming late. If I’m not trying my best, to find time to write my article then, I have no self discipline. Also, with all my homework to do, I must try and find time to write a good quality article.

More on evaluation for myself, I plotted a scatter graph yesterday night and found that my grades for English and Humanities were much lower than my science, Chinese and math grades. Furthermore, most marks lost were from the writing section. This leads me to believe that my lousey writing in the 007 group has caused this decreased writing score. So my goal for the rest of this term is to write a high quality essay about a question from a short text or source interpretation. Also, in those essays I will include at least one photo, use advanced vocabulary and have it at least 300 words long. If find that setting goals for yourself by writing it, posting it and saying it out loud makes you more aware of it and strive towards achieving it. For me it’s not a shame to admit.

Now to my true article.

Recently I’ve been doing debating clubs and attending them for amazing debates about random topics. These clubs really test your mind and ability to think quick. I’ve already written an article about debating, but I just wanted to use that as an example to my focus this week. Participation. There are so many different words out there (even sentences and sayings) that say and mean many motivating and encouraging things. Participation is one that is easy to explain, but often times hard to do. In the modern day most of us shy away from opportunities, like debating clubs etc. Most of those people are young people like me. Participation is the act of… participating. Joining in and being a part of the action. Now even though my school is very small, I still try to fill in as many free periods with clubs and activities. Not only am I doing it because I’m bored or because I want to do extra-curricular things, but it’s because I love to be involved with people and interacting with them. That’s the most important aspect about participation. The interaction between people and building bonds. Now that I’ve given you an example of myself, I would like to invite you to try to participate I as many important things to you as you can. Thank you.

大家,早安! 首先,我想再次为我迟到而道歉。 我真的想解决这个“迟到”的问题,所以我将找到源的位置。 经过长时间的评估,我发现自律和时间管理是迟到的关键因素。 如果我没有尽我所能,找时间写我的文章,那么我没有自律。 另外,在完成我的所有功课后,我必须努力抽出时间写一篇优质文章。

更多关于我自己的评价,我昨天晚上绘制了一张散点图,发现我的英语和人文学科成绩远低于我的科学,中文和数学成绩。 此外,大多数失去的标记来自写作部分。 这让我相信我在007小组中的愚蠢写作导致写作得分降低。 因此,我对本学期其余部分的目标是撰写一篇关于短文或源解释问题的高质量文章。 此外,在那些文章中,我将包括至少一张照片,使用高级词汇并且至少300字长。 如果通过编写,发布并大声说出来为自己设定目标,会让您更加了解它并努力实现目标。 对我而言,承认并不是一种耻辱。


最近我一直在讨论俱乐部并参加他们关于随机主题的惊人辩论。 这些俱乐部真正测试你的思维和快速思考的能力。 我已经写了一篇关于辩论的文章,​​但我本周想把它作为一个例子来说明我的重点。 参与。 那里有很多不同的词语(甚至是句子和谚语),这些词语表示并且意味着许多激励和鼓励的事物。 参与是一个容易解释的,但往往很难做到。 在现代,我们大多数人都躲避机会,比如辩论俱乐部等。大多数人都是像我这样的年轻人。 参与是......参与的行为。 加入并成为行动的一部分。 现在即使我的学校规模很小,我仍然会尝试用俱乐部和活动来填补许多自由时期。 我不仅因为我无聊或者因为我想做课外活动而这样做,而是因为我喜欢与人交往并与他们互动。 这是参与的最重要方面。 人与建筑之间的互动。 既然我已经给了你一个我自己的榜样,我想邀请你尽可能多地参与我的活动。 谢谢。


