Metric Trees
2018-07-04 本文已影响0人
Metric tree in an indexing structure that allows for efficient KNN search
Metric tree organizes a set of points hierarchically
- It's a binary tree: nodes = sets of points, root = all points
- sets across siblings (nodes on the same level) are all disjoint
- at each internal node all points are partitioned into 2 disjoint sets
- let N(v) be all points at node v
- left(v),right(v) - left and right children of v
Splitting a node:
- choose two pivot points p_l and p_r from N(v)
- ideally these points should be selected s.t. the distance between them is largest:
- (p_l,p_r)=\arg \max _{p_l,p_r\in N(v)}\left \| p_1-p_2 \right \|
- but it takes O(n^2)(where n=\left | N(v) \right |) to find optimal p_l, p_r
- heuristic:
- pick a random point p \in N(v)
- then let p_l be point farthest from p
- and then let p_r be point farthest from p_l
- once we have (p_l, p_r) we can partition:
- project all points onto a line u=p_r-p_l
- find the median point A along the line u
- all points on the left of A got to left(v), on the right of A - to right(v)
- by using the median we ensure that the depth of the tree is O(\log N) where N is the total number of data points
- however finding the median is expensive
- heuristic:
- can use the mean point as well, i.e. A=(p_l+p_r)/2
- let L be a d-1 dimensional plane orthogonal to u that goes through A
- this L is a decision boundary - we will use it for querying
After metric tree is constructed at each node we have:
- the decision boundary L
- a sphere \mathbb B s.t. all points in N(v) are in this sphere
- let center(v) be the center of \mathbb B and r(v) be the radius
- so N(v)\subseteqq \mathbb B(center(v), r(v))
MT-DFS(q) - the search algorithm
- search in a Metric Tree is a guided Depth-First Search
- the decision boundary L at each node n is used to decide whether to go left or right
- if q is in the left , then go to left(v), otherwise - to right(v)
- (or can project the query point to u, and then check if q< A or not)
- all the time we maintain x: nearest neighbor found so far
- let d=\left \| x-q \right \| - distance from best x so far to the query
- we can use d to prune nodes: we can check if node is good or no point can better than x
- no point is better than x if \left \| center(r)-q \right \|-r(v)\geqslant d. That means if the hyper-sphere intersects with current candidates sphere
This algorithm is very efficient when dimensionality is \leqslant 30
- but slows down when it increases
- MT often finds the NN very quickly and then spends 95% of the time verifying that this is the true NN
- can reduce this time with Spill-Tree