ExaSMOC Online

B6. Overview-4

2017-01-07  本文已影响7人  橡果



|变量| 条件|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
|MV related data(MV相关数据)| MV状态为Bad或Inactive或 Actual Control status(实际控制状态)为OFF。|
|CV related data(CV相关数据)| CV状态为Bad或Inactive或 Actual Control status(实际控制状态)为OFF。|
|DV related data(DV相关数据)| DV状态为Bad或Inactive或 Actual Control status(实际控制状态)为OFF。|
|POV related data(POV相关数据)| POV状态为Bad或Inactive或 Actual Control status(实际控制状态)为OFF。|
|MV output(MV输出) |当发生写入错误或所获取数据的质量代码为BAD时,将显示前一个过程的数据。 在第一个控制周期期



|OPC错误| 颜色|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
|OPC quality doe is Bad(OPC质量指标为坏) |Red(红色)|
|OPC read/write error(OPC读/写错误) |Brown(棕色)|
|Error before OPC data read (OPC数据读取前出错)| Black(黑色)|


为了显示当前的控制状态,单元格背景颜色根据稳态下CV和MV约束而更改。背景颜色可以从APC Builder中选择。

|数据背景| 颜色|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
|MV CalcHigh, MV CalcLow |背景颜色根据稳态下MV约束而更改。 HIGHCalcHigh变为绿色(默认) LOWCalcLow 变为绿色 (默认)|
|MV SP High Limit MV SP Low Limit | 背景颜色根据稳态下MV约束而更改。 HIGHSP High变为绿色(默认) LOWSP Low变为绿色(默认)|
|CV SRHigh CV SRLow |背景颜色根据稳态下CV约束而更改。 HIGHSP High变为绿色(默认) LOWSP Low变为绿色(默认) 此外,根据稳态下CV约束与优先级的关系: 相等SP High变为黄色(默认) 绝对值相等SP Low变为黄色(默认)|

MV SP回读和CV值的粗体颜色

当MV SP回读(MV约束状态)值大于0时,该值以粗体字符“H”在最后显示。


Background color

In Overview and sub-controller overview, the background color of each process Variables will change to "Gray" in the following cases,

|Variable| Conditions|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
|MV related data |MV status is Bad or Inactive or Actual Control status is OFF.
|CV related data| CV status is Bad or Inactive or Actual Control status is OFF.
|DV related data |POV status is Bad or Inactive or Actual Control status is OFF.
|POV related data| POV status is Bad or Inactive or Actual Control status is OFF.
|MV output |When the writing error occurs or the quality code of the acquired data is BAD, the previous process data is displayed During the first one control cycle or when the controller cannot acquire data from DCS, the data is displayed as '*****'.

Process data color

When the OPC reading error occurs, the process data is displayed by the following display color.

|OPC error | Color|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
|OPC quality doe is Bad|Red|
|OPC read/write error |Brown|
|Error before OPC data read |Black|

Control Status color

To show the current control status, the cell background color is changed according to the CV and MV Constraint at Steady State. The background color can be selected from APC Builder.

| Data Background| Color|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| MV CalcHigh, MV CalcLow| The background color is changed according to "MV Constraint at Steady State〃. HIGHCalcHigh becomes Green (default) LOWCalcLow becomes Green (default)|
| MV SP High Limit MV SP Low Limit | The background color is changed according to "MV Constraint at Steady State. HIGHSP High becomes Green (default) LOWSP Low becomes Green (default)
| CV SRHigh CV SRLow| The background color is changed according to "CV Constraint at Steady State. HIGHSP High becomes Green (default) LOWSP Low becomes Green (default) Furthermore, according to the relation between CV Constraint at Steady State and Priority EqualSP High becomes Yellow (default) Absolute value is equalSP Low becomes Yellow (default)

Bold color of MV SP Readback and CV Value

When the value of MV SP Readback (MV Constraint status) is larger than 0, the value is displayed in bold character with 'H' at last.
When the value is smaller than 0, the value is displayed in bold character with 'L' at last.


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