And the World’s Favorite Number

2017-07-05  本文已影响0人  hoppingmad

And the World’s Favorite Number Is…


A survey launched by a British mathematics writer has found that seven is the world’s favorite number, reports The Guardian. The results of the online survey were published on Tuesday, with three, eight and and four coming second, third and fourth.



British mathematics writer Alex Bellos launched a worldwide survey asking people which number is their favorite after being posited the question many times while chatting with students or at lectures over the years and seeing that people take the choice seriously.


posited:If you posit something, you suggest or assume it as the basis for an argument or calculation. 假定; 假设

Alex Bellos said he started the survey because of his belief that people have strong feelings about numbers, something he learned from giving talks about math in schools, colleges and festivals. “I am always asked for my favorite number, it’s guaranteed this question will come up,” he said.


Bellos, whose new book is entitled The Grapes of Math, claimed he received over 30,000 responses within a few weeks of launching the survey, with total responses currently standing at 44,000. Out of all the submissions, almost half of the votes cast were for the numbers between one and 10. The least favorite number turned out to be 110, which was the lowest number to receive no votes.


The writer suggested that the reason for seven’s popularity is its prevalence in global culture, from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, to the existence of seven days in a week.“We love seven because it is unique. It reflects our uniqueness. Of course it’s the world’s favorite number,” he said.






1)prevalent(among somebody)|prevalent(in somebody/something)(formal)that exists or is very common at a particular time or in a particular place

These prejudices are particularly prevalent among people living in the North.


1)existing or most common at a particular time

The prevailing view seems to be that they will find her guilty.

2)the prevailing wind in an area is the one that blows over it most frequently

The prevailing wind here is from the east.


1)liked or enjoyed by a large number of people

This is one of our most popular designs.

2)popular(with somebody)

These policies are unlikely toprove popularwith middle-class voters.

I'm not very popular with my parents(=they are annoyed with me)at the moment.

3)[only before noun](sometimes disapproving)suited to the taste and knowledge of ordinary people

The band's success is largely due to the popular appeal of the lead singer.

4)[only before noun](of ideas, beliefs and opinions)shared by a large number of people 

a popular misconception

Contrary to popular belief, women cause fewer road accidents than men.

5)[only before noun]connected with the ordinary people of a country

The party still has widespread popular support.





They were brought up in the liberal atmosphere prevalent in the 1960s.



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