
2020-06-06  本文已影响0人  Pentacle_V



mayhem 骚乱,慌乱

clamouring 大声吵着闹着

prise off 撬下,扳下

quibbling 斤斤计较

quash the rumors 平息流言

all hands on deck (A call for all members of a ship's crew to come to the deck.)紧急情况,全员待命

contain oneself 自制

teeter for a moment 犹豫了一会儿

bracingly 令人振奋地

derisive snort 嘲笑的一哼

fidgeted 坐立不安

leaden feeling 沉重的

in the orchard 果园

scorch marks 烧焦的痕迹

reduce to cinders 灰烬,余烬(指快用完)

en-suite jacuzzi 成套的按摩浴缸

prop on sticks 用……支撑

numerals 数字

mortal peril 到了致命的危险边缘

a tad 小孩子

a long haired pillock 蠢材

darn 缝补,织补

shrewdly 机灵地

cauliflower 花椰菜

The fat is in the fire.(Something has been said or done is about to cause trouble or anger.)火上浇油

unswerving obedience 坚定不移的

sporadic howls 时而不时的,时有时无的

a frenzy of 疯狂的

bung 扔

belladonna 颠茄

frill 装饰在

crease 变褶皱

go starkers 变呆住

In some trepidation 不安


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