

2019-01-04  本文已影响234人  娜Rena


(提示:所有例句均来自于剑桥出品的 English grammar profile 语料库,可以放心阅读)



内容会分为5个部分,根据想要达成的不同目的,分为如何1. 强调 2. 给细节 3. 同义转换 4. 写得更加简洁 5. 表达感情色彩,并分成5篇来写作。





(1)it is ... who/that …结构表示强调,相信大家都已经比较熟悉了。

例句:It was my father who took all this away from me.

或者还有学过(2)hardly … when …结构,具体例子我就不再赘述了。



正常翻译版本:He was imaginative, good-humoured, and friendly, and his friends respected and liked him.

强调形容词版本:Imaginative, good-humoured, and friendly, he was respected and liked by his peer-students.



这个将想要强调的内容前面的用法简直是瓶万金油,下面这个场景也可以同样使用:有的时候,我们想说,某物数不胜数,这要怎么说?把(4)many/much/a lot放到句首 即可:


A lot has changed since prehistoric times.

A lot depends on your background.

Much has been said about the need for nuclear weapons, although after the end of USSR and consequently the end of the cold war, this topic was almost forgotten.

Much has been said about quality time, but children don't understand this concept, they only know whether you are there or you are not.

Many are the causes which have led us to a better and longer life.

Many are the examples of children who hate reading as they believe that it  is pointless, but they are not able to judge from a young age.



(5)句式结构:neither / nor + 倒装/ be + 对象

Nevertheless, I have no recollection of ever leaving my diary. In fact, I can clearly remember that I kept it with me all the time I was working. Neither do I remember losing it during the time I was on the platform waiting for my train to pull in.

Maybe he will eventually get over this terrible experience, but he's bound  to be a lonelier boy than he was.Nor does Jack's future look any more promising.

There are also considerable disturbances during day-time. It is, for  example, not possible to lead a conversation, e.g. on the veranda, without  shouting. Nor is it possible to watch television peacefully without the  thunderous noise in the background.


那么如果主语,本来正常句式,位置就应该放在句首,这个时候,我们要怎么样才能表达强调的意味呢?除了可以用 it is … that/ who,还可以考虑(6)this + n. + of + theirs/his/hers…这样的句式,如此一来,主语就自带强调光环啦~

What is more, not only is this rare talent of theirs used for public pleasure but also for international sports success, which makes us all proud.

This characteristic of his is shown in every situation of his life.


上面那种情况也可以考虑(7)The one(s) that + 从句 is/are that …

The one that impressed me a lot is the Chinese Lunar New Year Carnival which was held in Hong Kong in January this year.

The one that I think will have permanent results is the raising of the financial standard of all these countries.

The ones that he preferred were those where his imagination could fly away to other places and times, and where he could live the life of other people.

The ones that wear clothes made by their mothers never seem to ask for much attention.


那如果实在不想前置这个名词怎么办,那也行,使用 (8)many a / many an + 单数名词,同样也表示强调,举例

We have come a long way and climbed many a mountain but are we really better off than our ancestors?

Her father's pharmacy was broken into very often, the local drug addicts were relentless and Mary was threatened many a time on her way home from  work.

It has raised many an issue which I would like to comment upon here.


还能(9)在名词前添加very来表示强调,例句: It is located in the very center of Pisa, in a magnificent ancient building.


有时候,我们想说,这完全不可能,希望强调可能性很小,除了简单得说 It’s totally/completely impossible for sb. to do sth.. 更加地道的方式应该是用 (10)the slightest, the faintest + 特定的名词,通常+否定句式,例句 I should not end my relationship with Alex by phone, without giving him the slightest explanation.

或者 They act as consumers, nothing more, and never show the slightest interest in learning and sharing opinions with the locals.

希望上面这10个表示"强调"的表达方式能让大家感到有所  收获,下一篇      更新如何给出  具体细节~

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