关于上架app 查找广告方法
2016-06-28 本文已影响0人
How do I check where my app is using IDFA
Open the terminal window. Run the following command:
cd (drag and drop your project folder here) Your_Project_Path
Now, the current working directory will be your project folder.
Find all the SDK that uses "Advertising Identifier" using following commands:
$ find . | grep -v .svn | grep "\.a" | grep -v "\.app" | xargs grep advertisingIdentifier
$ find . -type f | grep "\.a" | grep -v "\.app" | xargs grep advertisingIdentifier
and / or
$ grep -lr "advertisingIdentifier" * | grep -v .svn | grep -v .md
After getting the list of frameworks, search for the frameworks that MATCHES the query. Remove/ Upgrade those frameworks as per your requirement.