
BBC Reith Lectures 睿思演讲

2019-01-18  本文已影响28人  四十九年非

常年收听BBC节目的读者应该有人听说过Reith Lectures,在BBC Radio 4和BBC World Service同步播出,中文有把这个系列演讲音译为“睿思演讲”的,我看这个翻译不错。

Reith Lectures始于1948年,由BBC创办,为了纪念约翰-睿思勋爵(Lord Reith)在公共广播领域的卓越贡献。


John Charles Walsham Reith, 1st Baron Reith, KT, GCVO, GBE, CB, TD, PC (20 July 1889 – 16 June 1971) was a Scottish broadcasting executive who established the tradition of independent public service broadcasting in the United Kingdom. In 1922 he was employed by the BBC (British Broadcasting Company Ltd.) as its general manager; in 1923 he became its managing director and in 1927 he was employed as the Director-General of the British Broadcasting Corporation created under a Royal Charter.(Wikipedia)



为了传承这个精神,BBC从1948年起,每年邀请一位文化界名人通过广播发表一些列演讲。第一届演讲嘉宾就请了一位泰斗级人物——Bertrand Russell(英国哲学家伯特兰-罗素)。

2019受邀在BBC发表睿思演讲的嘉宾已确定为:Jonathan Sumption, Lord Sumption(强纳生-桑普逊勋爵,英国最高法院大法官)。演讲时间为2019年春季(日期未定)。BBC爱好者请关注。


BBC Radio 4 The Reith Lectures频道 - https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00729d9

BBC World Service The Reith Lectures频道 - https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p003drl8

BBC World Service整理的38个历年演讲音频在线收听 - https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p003drl8/episodes/player

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