2022-10-19 本文已影响0人
1 你咋了?
What's wrong with your body?
2 你那怪朋友长颈鹿来了。
You weried friend Giaffa is here.
3 离我远一点!你这个骗子!
Stay away from me! You liar.
4 听我说。我可以解释的。
Listen to me.I can explain.
5 我难受,我想吐。
I'm sick. I need to throw up.
6 你没事吧?洗手间在二楼。
You all right? The bathroom is on the second floor.
7 我喝了太多啤酒,我想吐。
I drunk too much beer. I need to vomit.
8 车后座上有塑料袋。你看到了吗?
There are a plastic bag on the back seat. Did you see it?
9 我们下个月结婚。
We are getting married next month.
10 你不是认真的吧?
You can't be serious.