

2019-07-14  本文已影响389人  聚贤堂名家经典

中国书画报首都艺术中心        首都书画院 Chinese painting and calligraphy newspaper capital art center capital painting and calligraphy academy

《聚贤堂》名家经典 国际传播 荣誉出品        "Ju xian tang" famous classic international dissemination honor production


          Weijun, a famous Chinese painter

未君, 1973年出生,湖南益阳人,诗人、北京职业画家,九三学社社员。 先后毕业于 天津美术学院中国画研究生班和中国艺术研究院研究生院;曾任教于广州大学,及担任多所高校中国画高研班导师、特聘教授。现为北京丹青盛世书画院院长,九三学社湖南省画院院委,中国美术家协会会员,中国工笔画学会理事,湖南省作家协会会员,湖南省美协艺委会委员。

Weijun, born in 1973 in yiyang, hunan province, is a poet and a professional painter in Beijing. Graduated from the graduate class of Chinese painting of tianjin academy of fine arts and the graduate school of China academy of arts. He has taught in guangzhou university and served as the tutor and distinguished professor of Chinese painting advanced research classes in many universities. Currently he is the President of Beijing danqing flourishing painting and calligraphy academy, the committee member of hunan painting academy of jiusan society, the member of Chinese artists association, the director of Chinese fine painting society, the member of hunan writers association, and the member of art committee of hunan art association.


  长期倾心致力于艺术创作和艺术教学,研究方向包括中国重彩花鸟画、重彩山水画、中国书法,以及中国古代画史与中国绘画美学。主要研究成果发表于《人民日报》 《南京艺术学院学报》 《艺术生活》《艺术界》《美术》《书画世界》《美术大观》《新视觉艺术》《画界》《中国书画报》《艺术中国》《美术报》《艺术界》等刊物。

He has been devoted to art creation and art teaching for a long time, and his research interests include Chinese multi-color flower-bird painting, multi-color landscape painting, Chinese calligraphy, ancient Chinese painting history and Chinese painting aesthetics. His major research achievements have been published in such publications as People's Daily, nanjing art institute journal, art life, art world, fine arts, painting and calligraphy world, grand view of fine arts, painting world, Chinese painting and calligraphy newspaper, art China, art newspaper, art world and so on.



Chinese painting works have participated in many national exhibitions and won awards. They have been collected by foreign affairs departments, beidaihe office of the central military commission, the Hong Kong special administrative region government, xiamen art museum, yinchuan art museum, wujin museum and other institutions and private collections. There are more than ten kinds of works, such as literature collection "the city of desire" and "selected works of weijun's flower and bird paintings", "weijun's meticulous painting and birds", "weijun's works collection", "weijun's painting collection", "weijun's painting collection", "weijun's calligraphy collection" and "zi mo zuiyu".




Wei jun has been painting flowers and birds for N years, but for landscape, in fact, has never given up the pursuit of natural landscape.

It comes from the worship and awe of the wonderful natural zhongshan landscape and water, and it comes from the constant encouragement and support of Mr. Lin fan, a great teacher to Mr. Wei jun.




The Chinese people are always looking forward to the natural landscape in the vast universe.

No matter famous mountains and rivers, villages and villages, buildings and pavilions, all of them show rich and colorful natural beauty, but also reflect the Chinese aesthetic view of nature and aesthetics.




Starting from the sui and tang dynasties, Chinese landscape painting once developed into an independent painting department, tending to mature from a naive state.

For example, zhan ziqian's picture of spring outing successfully painted the far-reaching and vast scenery of spring mountains and waters and the scene of aristocratic scholars riding horses and playing, which gave the sui and tang dynasties landscape painting with far-reaching influence.




The green landscape paintings of li sixun and li zhaodao are magnificent and interesting, which are held up as models by later generations. Wu daozi initiated a new style of bold and magnificent landscape painting. The famous poet wang wei is even called the originator of pastoral landscape painting.

Jing hao, guan tong, dong yuan and ju ran of the five dynasties became important milestones in the development of Chinese landscape painting, creating panoramic mountains and rivers.





Li cheng, fan kuan, guo xi, li tang, liu songnian, xia GUI and other landscape painters of the northern song dynasty went deep into the natural mountains and rivers, observed and experienced the geographical, seasonal and climatic characteristics of mountains and rivers day and night, in pursuit of beautiful and moving artistic conception.

These painters are the generation of landscape painting masters who created the new landscape painting style, influencing the later generations for nearly a thousand years, especially the Ming and qing dynasties landscape painting and the development of modern landscape painting has a major impact.

With the painting, with the temperament, with the expectation, maybe there will be more dreams, every painter, because of nature...... .


主要研究成果发表于《人民日报》 《南京艺术学院学报》 《艺术生活》《艺术界》《美术》《书画世界》《美术大观》《新视觉艺术》《画界》《中国书画报》《艺术中国》《美术报》《艺术界》等刊物。

His major research achievements have been published in such publications as People's Daily, nanjing art institute journal, art life, art world, fine arts, painting and calligraphy world, grand view of fine arts, painting world, Chinese painting and calligraphy newspaper, art China, art newspaper, art world and so on.



Chinese painting works have participated in many national exhibitions and won awards. They have been collected by foreign affairs departments, beidaihe office of the central military commission, the Hong Kong special administrative region government, xiamen art museum, yinchuan art museum, wujin museum and other institutions and private collections.



There are more than ten kinds of works, such as literature collection "the city of desire" and "selected works of weijun's flower and bird paintings", "weijun's meticulous painting and birds", "weijun's works collection", "weijun's painting collection", "weijun's painting collection", "weijun's calligraphy collection" and "zi mo zuiyu".


Juxian hall, capital art center, Chinese calligraphy and painting newspaper

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