
Jack的Scalers Talk第四轮新概念朗读持续力训练Da

2019-02-04  本文已影响1人  勇哥哥_37dc

 L12(2):Life on a desert island

 Two men who recently spent five days on a coral island wished they had stayed there longer. They were taking a badly damaged boat from the Virgin Islands to Miami to have it repaired. During the journey, their boat began to sink. They quickly loaded a small rubber dinghy with food, matches, and cans of beer and rowed for a few miles across the Caribbean until they arrived at a tiny coral island. There were hardly any trees on the island and there was no water, but this did not prove to be a problem. The men collected rainwater in the rubber dinghy. As they had brought a spear gun with them, they had plenty to eat. They caught lobster and fish every day,and, as one of them put it 'ate like kings'. When a passing tanker rescued them five days later, both men were genuinely sorry that they had to leave.

音标:tu mɛn hu ˈrisəntli spɛnt faɪv deɪz ɑn ə ˈkɔrəl ˈaɪlənd wɪʃt ðeɪ hæd steɪd ðɛr ˈlɔŋgər. ðeɪ wɜr ˈteɪkɪŋ ə ˈbædli ˈdæməʤd boʊt frʌmðə ˈvɜrʤɪn ˈaɪləndz tu maɪˈæmi tu hæv ɪt rɪˈpɛrd. ˈdʊrɪŋ ðə ˈʤɜrni, ðɛr boʊt bɪˈgæn tu sɪŋk. ðeɪ ˈkwɪkli ˈloʊdəd ə smɔl ˈrʌbər ˈdɪŋiwɪð fud, ˈmæʧəz, ænd kænz ʌv bɪr ænd roʊd fɔr ə fju maɪlz əˈkrɔs ðə kəˈrɪbiən ənˈtɪl ðeɪ əˈraɪvd æt ə ˈtaɪni ˈkɔrəl ˈaɪlənd. ðɛr wɜrˈhɑrdli ˈɛni triz ɑn ði ˈaɪlənd ænd ðɛr wʌz noʊ ˈwɔtər, bʌt ðɪs dɪd nɑt pruv tu bi ə ˈprɑbləm. ðə mɛn kəˈlɛktəd ˈreɪnˌwɔtər ɪn ðəˈrʌbər ˈdɪŋi. æz ðeɪ hæd brɔt ə spɪr gʌn wɪð ðɛm, ðeɪ hæd ˈplɛnti tu it. ðeɪ kɑt ˈlɑbstər ænd fɪʃ ˈɛvəri deɪ,ænd, æz wʌn ʌv ðɛm pʊtɪt eɪt laɪk kɪŋz. wɛn ə ˈpæsɪŋ ˈtæŋkər ˈrɛskjud ðɛm faɪv deɪz ˈleɪtər, boʊθ mɛn wɜr ˈʤɛnjəwənli ˈsɑri ðæt ðeɪ hæd tu liv.



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