20170826 打卡

2017-08-26  本文已影响0人  西坡师妹


苹果难以找到下一个重磅产品,部分原因可能是它仍为一小群封闭保守的高管所控制,他们大部分人在上世纪 90 年代就已进入公司,库克便是其中之一。2011年,库克在备受尊崇的公司创始人乔布斯去世前不久接手了公司。


For Apple, it is not easy to come up with another hit, partly because its R&D are controlled by its closed and conservative C-suites. Most of them were already part of Apple since 1990s, take Cook as an example. In 2011, Cook took up the company not long after the then esteemed company founder Steve Jobs passed away.


Part of Apple’s difficulty in finding the next big thing may be that it is still steered by a small, insular group of executives who have mostly been at the firm since the 1990s. They include Mr Cook, who took over shortly before the death of Steve Jobs, the firm’s adored founder, in 2011.


Part of Apple’s difficulty in finding the next big thing may be that it is still steered by a small, insular group of executives who have mostly been at the firm since the 1990s.

连接句子的方式有词根、介词、分词、从句和独立主格这几种方式。使用这几种方式连接的句子紧密程度是依次递减的。《经济学人》在处理这个句子的时候就用了介词difficulty in doing something和两个从句,将句子连接起来形成了一个长句。


 /stɪə(r); NAmE stɪr​/ verb

1.to control the direction in which a boat, car, etc. moves 驾驶(船、汽车等);掌方向盘

He steered the boat into the harbour.他把船开进港。

(figurative) He took her arm and steered her towards the door.他抓住她的胳膊,把她带往门口。

You row and I'll steer.你划桨,我来掌舵。

2.(of a boat, car, etc. 船、汽车等) to move in a particular direction 行驶

The ship steered a course between the islands.船在岛屿之间穿行。

The ship steered into port.船驶进港口。

3. [VN +adv./prep.] to take control of a situation and influence the way in which it develops 操纵;控制;引导

He managed to steer the conversation away from his divorce.他设法把话题从他离婚一事上引开。

She steered the team to victory.她率领全队取得胜利。

The skill is in steering a middle course between the two extremes.本领就在于避开这两个极端,走中间路线。


 /stɪə(r); NAmE stɪr​/ noun

a  BULL (= a male cow) that has been  CASTRATED (= had part of its sex organs removed), kept for its meat 阉公牛;肉用公牛

—compare  BULLOCK ,  OX

👉take over

1.[PHRASAL VERB]If you take over a company, you get control of it, for example by buying its shares.

[V P n (not pron)]A British newspaper says British Airways plan to take over Trans World Airways.[Also V n P]

2.[PHRASAL VERB]If someone takes over a country or building, they get control of it by force, for example with the help of the army.

[V P n (not pron)]The Belgians took over Rwanda under a League of Nations mandate...

[V P n (not pron)]The parliament in Madrid was taken over by civil guards.[Also V n P]

3.[PHRASAL VERB]If you take over a job or role or you take over, you become responsible for the job after someone else has stopped doing it.

[V P n (not pron)]His widow has taken over the running of his empire, including six London theatres...

[V P from n]In 1966, Pastor Albertz took over from him as governing mayor...

[V P]She took over as chief executive of the Book Trust.

4.[PHRASAL VERB]If one thing takes over from something else, it becomes more important, successful, or powerful than the other thing, and eventually replaces it.

[V P from n]Cars gradually took over from horses...

[V P]When the final vote came, rationality took over.

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