新SAT数学知识点介绍②:Margins of Error &

2017-01-06  本文已影响0人  留学进化论

SAT改革之后在数学部分新增了一些知识点,在不小的变化中有两个知识点特别值得注意,它们不仅没有在老SAT中出现过,甚至没有出现在SAT2或者绝大部分高中同学的课本中,那就是:margins of error 和 confidence interval。


① 考试要求

On the SAT, you will not be expected to compute a margin of error or a confidence interval, but you should understand how different factors affect the margin of error and how to interpret a given margin of error or confidence interval in the context.


1、哪些因素会影响margins of error以及它们是如何影响的?
2、在对应的统计题中去解读margins of error 和 confidence interval。

大部分没学过统计的学生对这两个知识点应该是生疏的,那什么是margins of error 和 confidence interval呢?

② 定义

1、误差范围(margins of error)
Margins of error表达了统计结果中的随机波动的大小。margins of error通常在三个confidence level上给出;99%,95%和90%,值得注意的是:SAT只会考察95%的confidence level。

2、置信区间(confidence interval)
Confidence interval是对这个样本的某个总体参数的区间估计。Confidence interval展现的是,这个总体参数的真实值有一定概率落在与该测量结果有关的某对应区间。

③ 如何去理解


如果有一个学校有1500人,我们随机抽取了其中100名学生来调查每周的学习时间,最后我们得到的结果是平均的学习时间是16h,同时我们被告知:这个16h的平均时间在95%的confidence level有着1.5h的margins of error。那么这就意味着:整个学校1500人的实际平均学习时间有95%的机率(或者说有95%信心)落在(16h-1.5h)到(16h+1.5h)这个区间内。


④ 影响margins of error的因素



A quality control researcher at an electronics company is testing the life of the company’s batteries in a certain camera. The researcher selects 100 batteries at random from the daily output of the batteries and finds that the average life of the batteries has a 95% confidence interval of 324 to 360 camera pictures. Which of the following conclusions is the most reasonable based on the confidence interval?

A) 95% of all the batteries produced by the company that day have a life between 324 and 360 pictures.

B) 95% of all the batteries ever produced by the company have a life between 324 and 360 pictures.

C) It is plausible that the true average life of batteries produced by the company that day is between 324 and 360 pictures.

D) It is plausible that the true average life of all the batteries ever produced by the company is between 324 and 360 pictures.


这道题目考的还是比较常规的,题中已经提到了这家公司当天生产的电池的平均寿命有95%的confidence interval of 324 to 360。

这就意味着我们有95%的信心能确认电池的实际平均寿命落在324到360这个区间内。因为A/B说的都是95%的电池有324到360的平均寿命,所以他们都不对。而D的错误在于ever produced,这个样本取自于当天,所以只能代表当天的统计情况。正确答案为C




