当孩子做事拖拉,作业不会,陷入沮丧情绪,当爸妈的记得一定不要发怒,calm down保持冷静是第一要务,之后你可以进行下面的动作:
1. Take a few deep breaths and/or count silently to 10 if you’re feeling upset.
2. Look at your child and pay attention to any emotional cues including body language, tone of voice, and words if they’re using them.
3. Calmly validate their feelings by saying, “I see you’re (angry, mad, upset, disappointed, sad, etc.)”
4. Next, try to understand why they’re upset. If you’re not sure you might say, “Tell me what is making you …?” If they can’t tell you, state your observation by saying, “It looks to me like you are ___ because of ___? I understand how that could ___.
5. With younger children, this may be the time to say, “I’m sorry you are ___” and then redirect by saying, “Oh look at ____. I bet you can ____ with it.”
对待更加幼小的宝宝,例如三四五岁,或许你应该安抚说:“看着你……我也很难过” 然后分散注意力,“瞧瞧这个……我猜你肯定能……”
6. For older children, you may have to be assertive and say, I know that is making you feel ___ but ___ (explain or state the reason their desire is not realistic).
7. In some cases, problem-solving may be an appropriate approach.
8. Taking time to teach basic coping skills for toddlers and older children is definitely in order.