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首先需要感谢Amit's A star PageA-star算法中译本,让我能够全面地了解A-star算法,下面大部分内容也是由原文及中译文中提炼而得。

1. 从Dijkstra算法和最佳优先搜索到A-star算法

1.1 Dijkstra算法


每次都选取距离起始点最近的点,并加入完成列表。算法的效率并不高,但对于没有负数权值边的情况能够得到从起始点到大部分点的最短路径。Dijkstra算法相当于启发式函数h(x) = 0的A-star算法(在后面会详细说明)。





1.2 最佳优先搜索算法(Best-fit)





1.3 A-star算法


A-star算法很巧妙地结合了Dijkstra算法和Best-fit算法的优点,一方面通过设定代价函数g(x****)来考虑从起始点到当前点的实际代价,另一方面通过设定启发式函数h(x****)来考虑从当前点到目的地的估计代价,f(x) = g(x) + h(x)。它是从当前点击中取出f值最小的节点并进行拓展。因此A-star算法具备了Best-fit算法的效率,同时又兼顾Dijkstra算法的最短寻径能力。



2 A-star算法的核心思想

2.1 代价函数和启发式函数的权衡

2.2 代价函数和启发式函数的修正




3 A-star算法的数据结构实现

下面是拷贝自Amit's A star Page原本的算法伪代码:

OPEN = priority queue containing START
 CLOSED = empty set while lowest rank in OPEN is not the GOAL:
   current = remove lowest rank item from OPEN
   add current to CLOSED
   for neighbors of current:
     cost = g(current) + movementcost(current, neighbor)
     if neighbor in OPEN and cost less than g(neighbor):
       remove neighbor from OPEN, because new path is better
     if neighbor in CLOSED and cost less than g(neighbor):
        remove neighbor from CLOSED
     if neighbor not in OPEN and neighbor not in CLOSED:
       set g(neighbor) to cost
       add neighbor to OPEN
       set priority queue rank to g(neighbor) + h(neighbor)
 reconstruct reverse path from goal to start
 by following parent pointers



3.1 数组或链表


3.2 索引数组


3.3 散列表


3.4 堆


3.5 伸展树


3.6 HOT队列

在看这篇文档前,我并未深入学习过HOT队列(Heap on Top),最多只是知道名字和原理。在文档中提出,HOT队列是比堆更优秀,更适用于A-star算法的数据结构。它用桶来取代普通二叉堆中的节点,每个桶中有若干元素。但只有堆顶桶内的节点们按照堆建立关系,而其余的桶内都是无序的节点。这一点非常契合A-star算法的要求,因为拓展的一部分节点由于f值较大实际上根本不会被使用,那就可以让它呆在下面的桶中,不参与堆化。
考察A-star算法,实际上每次取出的总是f值最小的节点,而插入的节点的f'值只可能是f ≤ f' ≤ f + df。此处df是一步移动造成代价增加的最大值。这样我们就可以利用df来划分各个桶,堆顶的桶使用的频率最高。当堆顶桶空时,将下面的桶提升上来,并使其堆化,这个操作叫做heapify。假设共有k个桶,这就使得HOT队列的查找为O(1)。对堆顶桶,插入和删除为O(log(n/k));对其他桶,插入为O(1)。heapify操作为O(n/k)。

3.7 数据结构的选择和实现


4 游戏开发中的应用


4.1 区域搜索


4.2 群运动


4.3 响应与延迟


4.4 其他算法

这里就不仔细介绍了。比如双向搜索、带宽搜索、Potential Field算法等。双向搜索能并行计算,加快寻径速度,当两头相连时寻径成功;带宽搜索能够在用户可忍受的路径代价范围内按照一定策略舍弃一些较差的节点,加快计算速度;Potential Field作为一个有趣的算法,是参考了势能场和电荷运动的规律。适合场地较为宽阔的游戏地图,而且该算法能保证不重叠。

4.5 移动障碍物

4.6 位置和方向的存储



// Amit's Path-finding (A*) code.
// Copyright (C) 1999 Amit J. Patel
// Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
// and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
// provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
// that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
// in supporting documentation.  Amit J. Patel makes no
// representations about the suitability of this software for any
// purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
// This code is not self-contained.  It compiles in the context of
// my game (SimBlob) and will need modification to work in another
// program.  I am providing it as a base to work from, and not as
// a finished library.
// The main items of interest in my code are:
// 1. I'm using a hexagonal grid instead of a square grid.  Since A*
//    on a square grid works better with the "Manhattan" distance than with
//    straight-line distance, I wrote a "Manhattan" distance on a hexagonal
//    grid.  I also added in a penalty for paths that are not straight
//    lines.  This makes lines turn out straight in the simplest case (no
//    obstacles) without using a straight-line distance function (which can
//    make the path finder much slower).
//    To see the distance function, search for UnitMovement and look at
//    its 'dist' function.
// 2. The cost function is adjustable at run-time, allowing for a
//    sort of "slider" that varies from "Fast Path Finder" to "Good Path
//    Quality".  (My notes on A* have some ways in which you can use this.)
// 3. I'm using a data structure called a "heap" instead of an array
//    or linked list for my OPEN set.  Using lists or arrays, an
//    insert/delete combination takes time O(N); with heaps, an
//    insert/delete combination takes time O(log N).  When N (the number of
//    elements in OPEN) is large, this can be a big win.  However, heaps
//    by themselves are not good for one particular operation in A*.
//    The code here avoids that operation most of the time by using
//    a "Marking" array.  For more information about how this helps
//    avoid a potentially expensive operation, see my Implementation
//    Nodes in my notes on A*.
//  Thanks to Rob Rodrigues dos santos Jr for pointing out some
//  editing bugs in the version of the code I put up on the web.

#include "Path.h"

// The mark array marks directions on the map.  The direction points
// to the spot that is the previous spot along the path.  By starting
// at the end, we can trace our way back to the start, and have a path.
// It also stores 'f' values for each space on the map.  These are used
// to determine whether something is in OPEN or not.  It stores 'g'
// values to determine whether costs need to be propagated down.
struct Marking
    HexDirection direction:4;    // !DirNone means OPEN || CLOSED
    int f:14;                    // >= 0 means OPEN
    int g:14;                    // >= 0 means OPEN || CLOSED
    Marking(): direction(DirNone), f(-1), g(-1) {}
static MapArray<Marking>& mark = *(new MapArray<Marking>(Marking()));

// Path_div is used to modify the heuristic.  The lower the number,
// the higher the heuristic value.  This gives us worse paths, but
// it finds them faster.  This is a variable instead of a constant
// so that I can adjust this dynamically, depending on how much CPU
// time I have.  The more CPU time there is, the better paths I should
// search for.
int path_div = 6;

struct Node
    HexCoord h;        // location on the map, in hex coordinates
    int gval;        // g in A* represents how far we've already gone
    int hval;        // h in A* represents an estimate of how far is left

    Node(): h(0,0), gval(0), hval(0) {}
    ~Node() {}

bool operator < ( const Node& a, const Node& b )
    // To compare two nodes, we compare the `f' value, which is the
    // sum of the g and h values.
    return (a.gval+a.hval) < (b.gval+b.hval);

bool operator == ( const Node& a, const Node& b )
    // Two nodes are equal if their components are equal
    return (a.h == b.h) && (a.gval == b.gval) && (a.hval == b.hval);

inline HexDirection ReverseDirection( HexDirection d )
    // With hexagons, I'm numbering the directions 0 = N, 1 = NE,
    // and so on (clockwise).  To flip the direction, I can just
    // add 3, mod 6.
    return HexDirection( ( 3+int(d) ) % 6 );

// greater<Node> is an STL thing to create a 'comparison' object out of
// the greater-than operator, and call it comp.
typedef vector<Node> Container;
greater<Node> comp;

// I'm using a priority queue implemented as a heap.  STL has some nice
// heap manipulation functions.  (Look at the source to `priority_queue'
// for details.)  I didn't use priority_queue because later on, I need
// to traverse the entire data structure to update certain elements; the
// abstraction layer on priority_queue wouldn't let me do that.
inline void get_first( Container& v, Node& n )
    n = v.front();
    pop_heap( v.begin(), v.end(), comp );

// Here's the class that implements A*.  I take a map, two points
// (A and B), and then output the path in the `path' vector, when
// find_path is called.
template <class Heuristic>
struct AStar
    PathStats stats;
    Heuristic& heuristic;
    // Remember which nodes are in the OPEN set
    Container open;
    // Remember which nodes we visited, so that we can clear the mark array
    // at the end.  This is the 'CLOSED' set plus the 'OPEN' set.
    Container visited;
    Map& map;
    HexCoord A, B;
    AStar( Heuristic& h, Map& m, HexCoord a, HexCoord b )
        : heuristic(h), map(m), A(a), B(b) {}

    // Main function:
    void find_path( vector<HexCoord>& path );

    // Helpers:
    void propagate_down( Node H );
    Container::iterator find_in_open( HexCoord h );
    inline bool in_open( const HexCoord& h )
        return mark.data[h.m][h.n].f != -1;

template<class Heuristic>
    // Erase the mark array, for all items in open or visited
    for( Container::iterator o = open.begin(); o != open.end(); ++o )
        HexCoord h = (*o).h;
        mark.data[h.m][h.n].direction = DirNone;
        mark.data[h.m][h.n].f = -1;
        mark.data[h.m][h.n].g = -1;
    for( Container::iterator v = visited.begin(); v != visited.end(); ++v )
        HexCoord h = (*v).h;
        mark.data[h.m][h.n].direction = DirNone;
        mark.data[h.m][h.n].g = -1;
        assert( !in_open( h ) );

template <class Heuristic>
Container::iterator AStar<Heuristic>::find_in_open( HexCoord hn )
    // Only search for this node if we know it's in the OPEN set
    if( Map::valid(hn) && in_open(hn) ) 
        for( Container::iterator i = open.begin(); i != open.end(); ++i )
            if( (*i).h == hn )
                return i;
    return open.end();

// This is the 'propagate down' stage of the algorithm, which I'm not
// sure I did right.
template <class Heuristic>
void AStar<Heuristic>::propagate_down( Node H )
    // Keep track of the nodes that we still have to consider
    Container examine;
    while( !examine.empty() )
        // Remove one node from the list
        Node N = examine.back();

        // Examine its neighbors
        for( int dir = 0; dir < 6; ++dir )
            HexDirection d = HexDirection(dir);
            HexCoord hn = Neighbor( N.h, d );
            if( in_open(hn) )
                // This node is in OPEN                
                int new_g = N.gval + heuristic.kost( map, N.h, d, hn );

                // Compare this `g' to the stored `g' in the array
                if( new_g < mark.data[hn.m][hn.n].g )
                    Container::iterator i = find_in_open( hn );
                    assert( i != open.end() );
                    assert( mark.data[hn.m][hn.n].g == (*i).gval );
                    // Push this thing UP in the heap (only up allowed!)
                    (*i).gval = new_g;
                    push_heap( open.begin(), i+1, comp );

                    // Set its direction to the parent node
                    mark.data[hn.m][hn.n].g = new_g;
                    mark.data[hn.m][hn.n].f = new_g + (*i).hval;
                    mark.data[hn.m][hn.n].direction = ReverseDirection(d);
                    // Now reset its parent 
                    examine.push_back( (*i) );
                    // The new node is no better, so stop here
                // Either it's in closed, or it's not visited yet

template <class Heuristic>
void AStar<Heuristic>::find_path( vector<HexCoord>& path )
    Node N;
        // insert the original node
        N.h = A;
        N.gval = 0;
        N.hval = heuristic.dist(map,A,B);
        mark.data[A.m][A.n].f = N.gval+N.hval;
        mark.data[A.m][A.n].g = N.gval;

    // * Things in OPEN are in the open container (which is a heap),
    //   and also their mark[...].f value is nonnegative.
    // * Things in CLOSED are in the visited container (which is unordered),
    //   and also their mark[...].direction value is not DirNone.

    // While there are still nodes to visit, visit them!
    while( !open.empty() )
        get_first( open, N );
        mark.data[N.h.m][N.h.n].f = -1;
        visited.push_back( N );
        // If we're at the goal, then exit
        if( N.h == B )

        // If we've looked too long, then exit
        if( stats.nodes_removed >= heuristic.abort_path )
            // Select a good element of OPEN
            for( Container::iterator i = open.begin(); i != open.end(); ++i )
                if( (*i).hval*2 + (*i).gval < N.hval*2 + N.gval )
                    N = *i;
            B = N.h;

        // Every other column gets a different order of searching dirs
        // (Alternatively, you could pick one at random).  I don't want
        // to be too biased by my choice of order in which I look at the
        // neighboring grid spots.
        int directions1[6] = {0,1,2,3,4,5};
        int directions2[6] = {5,4,3,2,1,0};
        int *directions;
        if( (N.h.m+N.h.n) % 2 == 0 )
            directions = directions1;
            directions = directions2;

        // Look at your neighbors.
        for( int dci = 0; dci < 6; ++dci )
            HexDirection d = HexDirection(directions[dci]);
            HexCoord hn = Neighbor( N.h, d );
            // If it's off the end of the map, then don't keep scanning
            if( !map.valid(hn) )

            int k = heuristic.kost(map, N.h, d, hn);
            Node N2;
            N2.h = hn;
            N2.gval = N.gval + k;
            N2.hval = heuristic.dist( map, hn, B );
            // If this spot (hn) hasn't been visited, its mark is DirNone
            if( mark.data[hn.m][hn.n].direction == DirNone )
                // The space is not marked
                mark.data[hn.m][hn.n].direction = ReverseDirection(d);
                mark.data[hn.m][hn.n].f = N2.gval+N2.hval;
                mark.data[hn.m][hn.n].g = N2.gval;
                open.push_back( N2 );
                push_heap( open.begin(), open.end(), comp );
                // We know it's in OPEN or CLOSED...
                if( in_open(hn) )
                    // It's in OPEN, so figure out whether g is better
                    if( N2.gval < mark.data[hn.m][hn.n].g )
                        // Search for hn in open
                        Container::iterator find1 = find_in_open( hn );
                        assert( find1 != open.end() );
                        // Replace *find1's gval with N2.gval in the list&map
                        mark.data[hn.m][hn.n].direction = ReverseDirection(d);
                        mark.data[hn.m][hn.n].g = N2.gval;
                        mark.data[hn.m][hn.n].f = N2.gval+N2.hval;
                        (*find1).gval = N2.gval;
                        // This is allowed but it's not obvious why:
                        push_heap( open.begin(), find1+1, comp );
                        // (ask Amit if you're curious about it)

                        // This next step is not needed for most games
                        propagate_down( *find1 );

    if( N.h == B && N.gval < MAXIMUM_PATH_LENGTH )
        stats.path_cost = N.gval;
        // We have found a path, so let's copy it into `path'
        HexCoord h = B;
        while( h != A )
            HexDirection dir = mark.data[h.m][h.n].direction;
            path.push_back( h );
            h = Neighbor( h, dir );
        path.push_back( A );
        // path now contains the hexes in which the unit must travel ..
        // backwards (like a stack)
        // No path

    stats.nodes_left = open.size();
    stats.nodes_visited = visited.size();

// Specific instantiations of A* for different purposes

// UnitMovement is for moving units (soldiers, builders, firefighters)
struct UnitMovement
    HexCoord source;
    Unit* unit;
    int abort_path;
    inline static int dist( const HexCoord& a, const HexCoord& b )
        // The **Manhattan** distance is what should be used in A*'s heuristic
        // distance estimate, *not* the straight-line distance.  This is because
        // A* wants to know the estimated distance for its paths, which involve
        // steps along the grid.  (Of course, if you assign 1.4 to the cost of
        // a diagonal, then you should use a distance function close to the
        // real distance.)

        // Here I compute a ``Manhattan'' distance for hexagons.  Nifty, eh?
        int a1 = 2*a.m;
        int a2 =  2*a.n+a.m%2 - a.m;
        int a3 = -2*a.n-a.m%2 - a.m; // == -a1-a2
        int b1 = 2*b.m;
        int b2 =  2*b.n+b.m%2 - b.m;
        int b3 = -2*b.n-b.m%2 - b.m; // == -b1-b2

        // One step on the map is 10 in this function
        return 5*max(abs(a1-b1), max(abs(a2-b2), abs(a3-b3)));

    inline int dist( Map& m, const HexCoord& a, const HexCoord& b )
        double dx1 = a.x() - b.x();
        double dy1 = a.y() - b.y();
        double dx2 = source.x() - b.x();
        double dy2 = source.y() - b.y();
        double cross = dx1*dy2-dx2*dy1;
        if( cross < 0 ) cross = -cross;

        return dist( a, b ) + int(cross/20000);
    inline int kost( Map& m, const HexCoord& a, 
                     HexDirection d, const HexCoord& b, int pd = -1 )
        // This is the cost of moving one step.  To get completely accurate
        // paths, this must be greater than or equal to the change in the
        // distance function when you take a step.

        if( pd == -1 ) pd = path_div;
        // Check for neighboring moving obstacles
        int occ = m.occupied_[b];
        if( ( occ != -1 && m.units[occ] != unit ) &&
            ( !m.units[occ]->moving() || ( source == a && d != DirNone ) ) )
                return MAXIMUM_PATH_LENGTH;

        // Roads are faster (twice as fast), and cancel altitude effects
        Terrain t1 = m.terrain(a);
        Terrain t2 = m.terrain(b);
        //        int rd = int((t2==Road||t2==Bridge)&&(t1==Road||t2==Bridge));
        // It'd be better theoretically for roads to work only when both
        // hexes are roads, BUT the path finder works faster when
        // it works just when the destination is a road, because it can
        // just step onto a road and know it's going somewhere, as opposed
        // to having to step on the road AND take another step.
        int rd = int(t2==Road || t2==Bridge);
        int rdv = ( 5 - 10 * rd ) * (pd - 3) / 5;
        // Slow everyone down on gates, canals, or walls
        if( t2 == Gate || t2 == Canal )
            rdv += 50;
        if( t2 == Wall )
            rdv += 150;
        // Slow down everyone on water, unless it's on a bridge
        if( t2 != Bridge && m.water(b) > 0 )
            rdv += 30;
        // If there's no road, I take additional items into account
        if( !rd )
            // One thing we can do is penalize for getting OFF a road
            if( t1==Road || t1==Bridge )
                rdv += 15;
            // I take the difference in altitude and use that as a cost,
            // rounded down, which means that small differences cost 0
            int da = (m.altitude(b)-m.altitude(a))/ALTITUDE_SCALE;
            if( da > 0 )
                rdv += da * (pd-3);
        return 10 + rdv;

// Some useful functions are exported to be used without the pathfinder

int hex_distance( HexCoord a, HexCoord b )
    return UnitMovement::dist( a, b );

int movement_cost( Map& m, HexCoord a, HexCoord b, Unit* unit )
    UnitMovement um;
    um.unit = unit;
    return um.kost( m, a, DirNone, b, 8 );

// BuildingMovement is for drawing straight lines (!)
struct BuildingMovement
    HexCoord source;
    int abort_path;
    inline int dist( Map& m, const HexCoord& a, const HexCoord& b )
        double dx1 = a.x() - b.x();
        double dy1 = a.y() - b.y();
        double dd1 = dx1*dx1+dy1*dy1;
        // The cross product will be high if two vectors are not colinear
        // so we can calculate the cross product of [current->goal] and
        // [source->goal] to see if we're staying along the [source->goal]
        // vector.  This will help keep us in a straight line.
        double dx2 = source.x() - b.x();
        double dy2 = source.y() - b.y();
        double cross = dx1*dy2-dx2*dy1;
        if( cross < 0 ) cross = -cross;
        return int( dd1 + cross );

    inline int kost( Map& m, const HexCoord& a, 
                     HexDirection d, const HexCoord& b )
        return 0;

// Flat Canal movement tries to find a path for a canal that is not too steep
struct FlatCanalPath: public UnitMovement
    int kost( Map& m, const HexCoord& a, 
                     HexDirection d, const HexCoord& b )
        // Try to minimize the slope
        int a0 = m.altitude(a);
        int bda = 0;
        for( int dir = 0; dir < 6; ++dir )
            int da = a0-m.altitude( Neighbor(a,HexDirection(dir)) );
            if( da > bda ) bda = da;
        return 1 + 100*bda*bda;

// These functions call AStar with the proper heuristic object

PathStats FindUnitPath( Map& map, HexCoord A, HexCoord B, 
                        vector<HexCoord>& path, Unit* unit, int cutoff )
    UnitMovement um;    
    um.source = A;
    um.unit = unit;
    um.abort_path = cutoff * hex_distance(A,B) / 10;

    AStar<UnitMovement> finder( um, map, A, B );

    // If the goal node is unreachable, don't even try
    if( um.kost( map, A, DirNone, B ) == MAXIMUM_PATH_LENGTH )
        // Check to see if a neighbor is reachable.  This is specific
        // to SimBlob and not something for A* -- I want to find a path
        // to a neighbor if the original goal was unreachable (perhaps it
        // is occupied or unpassable).
        int cost = MAXIMUM_PATH_LENGTH;
        HexCoord Bnew = B;
        for( int d = 0; d < 6; ++d )
            HexCoord hn = Neighbor( B, HexDirection(d) );
            int c = um.kost( map, A, DirNone, hn );
            if( c < cost )
                // This one is closer, hopefully
                Bnew = B;
                cost = c;
        // New goal
        B = Bnew;

        if( cost == MAXIMUM_PATH_LENGTH )
            // No neighbor was good
            return finder.stats;

    finder.find_path( path );
    return finder.stats;

PathStats FindBuildPath( Map& map, HexCoord A, HexCoord B,
                         vector<HexCoord>& path )
    BuildingMovement bm;
    bm.source = A;

    AStar<BuildingMovement> finder( bm, map, A, B );
    finder.find_path( path );
    return finder.stats;

PathStats FindCanalPath( Map& map, HexCoord A, HexCoord B,
                         vector<HexCoord>& path )
    FlatCanalPath fcp;
    fcp.source = A;

    AStar<FlatCanalPath> finder( fcp, map, A, B );
    finder.find_path( path );
    return finder.stats;

