Positive effects
Despite challenges, the 11 months in the UK have brought me clearand measurable benefits. Interestingly, when I was thinking about what I havelearned from the UoL, I can put it into a word: PIVOTAL.
P for Progression
The Activate English programme groups students based on the testingresult that assesses students English level. Since then, students progress intoa higher level according to their performance and improvement. It is because ofinspiration of the progression that inspired me to work hard. Even if I hadprogressed into the Advanced level finally, I was not satisfied my performance.I had the second chance, I would have capitalized on more chances to useEnglish.
P for Publicity
I have been amazed by a wide spectrum of well-designed posters,booklets, fliers and brochures that are always available at ELC. However, whenI explored the campus by studying at library, attending classes in severaldifferent schools, and saw a doctor at hospital, waited for my trains atrailway stations, and visited museums, I found that it seemed that it hasbecome an important aspect of British culture people’s lives. By contrast, wedo not use as much as publicity materials. Many chinese universities are nowworking on internationalisation, to increase the international profile andreputation. Publicity, an important approach of communication, should beattached more importance on. When I return to China, I will be sharing mythoughts to my colleagues, to improve the effectiveness and efficiency ofpublicity.
I for IT support
I have been greatly impressed by the ITsupport the university provided. For instance, wherever I logged on my accounton university computers, all the information remain the same; each and everyone of students has a student email; International students office regularlystudents emails on any concerning issues; newsletters were sent weekly; theteaching materials are available on VITAL on online platform and the assessmentassignment are also submitted into it. It has made studying much easier. Myhome university has issued the Strategy of Digitalization, however, much needsto be done comparing the wide use of IT services at the University ofLiverpool.
V for Variety
Students and staff of a variety of cultural,ethnic and racial backgrounds are an distinct characteristic of the Universityof Liverpool. I made friends with students from South Korea, Japan, SaudiArabic, Kuwait, Russia, USA, Australia, Spain and Brazil, who changed mystereotypes about those countries. I was taught by teachers from England,Scotland, Northern Ireland, Italy, Romania, Australia, and China, offering myclasses and lectures with different accents and teaching styles. A variety ofteaching activities never made me get bored, while the various cultural tripsand tours enabled me have a broader picture about British rich cultures andpicturesque views. The variety is a defining element that make the universitydistinguishably outstanding. It will be a point that I will mange to introduceand facilitate as one of the member of international office of my university.
O for Openness
Openness is an essential value the Universityof Liverpool relies on. One of the successful transnational education project,Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool, which is based in Suzhou, is a prime example of Universityof Liverpool strategy of enhancing its global competitiveness. I have foundthis point from my teachers, all of whom have experiences of teaching Englishin many countries. Such rich experiences made it easy for them to find outstrengths and weaknesses of students, but most importantly, their sharing ofanecdotes was a fascinating part of teaching, which made it difficult forstudents to lose interests and passion for learning. For me, I have beeninspired by their mindset of the open-mindedness which helped the to walk outof comfort zone to challenge themselves in different exotic cultures.
T for Tutorial
One-on-one tutorial takes places every oneor two weeks, when students have an interview with their tutors individually.By give feedback to teaching and learning, students offer their suggestions tothe teaching, and discuss the best solution to their problems. It was the mostawaited session for me, because each time I finished tutorial, I became crystalclear that what I should do and should not do. Meanwhile, after my voiced wereheard by my tutors, I felt that I contributed my thinking to improving the deliveryof teaching.
A for Assistance (e.g.: Drop-in; SWT;Support Assistant for ISS)
I have been greatly impressed by assistanceoffered by the administrative staff. Drop-in with Social Welfare’s Team isavailable everyday at the reception, where one of the members offer consultancyservices for all the non-academic matters. Meanwhile, the support assistantwere hired specifically for the international summer school. I have inquiredabout many thing with both of the two teams. Their professionalism in dealingwith any issues, passion for working, and care about students have allimpressed me. I should have asked and learned more if I could have study thereagain.
L for liaison (Staff-Student Liaison Committee meeting)
Staff-Student Liaison Committee meeting is more than a connectbetween students and staff. It is plays a vital role for students’ engagementwith governance of the language center. I attended the meetings for a couple oftimes as the representative of my group. The common concern of students wereexpressed by reported to the leadership of the center, and the results weregiven later. By attending the formal work meeting with the staff, I learned howto arrange and moderate such meetings, which is a necessary skill in my futurecareer.