

2020-04-11  本文已影响0人  Yam山药薄片酱


- 影片主要讲述08年由房贷证券引发的金融危机,而华尔街几位眼光独到的投资鬼才在2007年美国信贷风暴前看穿泡沫假象,通过做空次贷CDS而大幅获益,成为少数在金融灾难中大量获利的投资枭雄。

Treasury bonds 国库券

Utility stocks 实业公司股票

The mortgage backed security/mortgage bonds 房贷证券

Private Label MBS 私营房贷证券

Yield 回报率

The credit-rating on 评级

Be in commodities 做商品期货

Short the housing market 做空房地产市场

Default/delinquent 断供 delinquency-rate断供率

Risky sub-prime adjustable rates 高风险次级可调利率

Sub-prime loans 次级贷

Tranches 份额(aportion of something)

Swaps on mortgage bonds 房贷证券的互换

Credit default swap 信用违约互换(insurance on the bond 证券的保险)

Premiums 保险费用

Fund manager 基金经理

Liquidity 流动资金

ABX 资产担保证券指数(It tracks sub-prime mortgage bond value. 跟踪次级房贷证券的价值)

Rock-bottom Fico-scores 最低的信用评分(Fico评分350-800 700以上为优)

Income-verification 收入核实

Default rates 违约率

Margin 提成

Warehouse it on the books 用仓单存货抵押

CDO(Collateralized Debt Obligation) 担保债务凭证再打包的房贷证券

Diversified 分散化投资

Offering documents 招募书

Deal in long-term options 交易长线期权

ISDA Agreement 国际掉期及衍生产品协议(An agreement that lets an investor sit at the “big boy table” andmake high level trades not available to stupid amateurs.)

Prospectuses 招股书

10-to-1 returns 10倍收益比

Mortgage fraud 房贷欺诈

Mortgage broker 房贷经纪人

Option-pay adjustable 还贷方式多的可调房贷

Risk-assessors 风险评估师

Quote 报价

Manufacturing-index 制造业指数

Exposure 风险敞口

Belly-up 爆仓

Unload 抛售

Face value 面值

Make a market 坐庄

Market volatility 市场动荡

Close out our position 平仓

Water 淡水

Bespoke tranche opportunity 定制分级机会投资 (CDO改了个名字)


Comatose [ˈkəʊmətəʊs] a. (humorous) extremely tired and lacking in energy; sleeping deeply 困乏的;无精打采的;酣睡的

Inconsequential a. not important or worth considering 不重要的;微不足道的

Be in a death spiral 陷入泥潭

Mutate(into) v. to develop or make sth develop a new form or structure, because of a genetic change 异变成

Monstrosity [mɒnˈstrɒsəti] n. something that is very large and very ugly, especially a building 巨大而丑陋之物(尤指建筑)

Weirdo [ˈwɪədəʊ] n. (informal,disapproving) a person who looks strange and/or behaves in a strange way (长相或行为)古怪的人;怪人

The suckers 随大流的人

Prop up (often disapproving) to help sth that is having difficulties 帮助;扶持;救济 e.g. The government was accused of propping up declining industries. 人们指责政府贴补日趋衰落的产业。

Time-bomb 定时炸弹

legit [lɪˈdʒɪt] a. (informal) legal, or acting according to the law or the rules 合法的;守法的;按法律(或法规)行事的

Sketchy [ˈsketʃi] a. not complete or detailed and therefore not very useful 粗略的;概略的;不完备的

Skyrocket 飙升

Private contractor 自由职业者

This is a once in a lifetime deal. 这是千载难逢的机会。


