English pod 地道表达

2019-07-08  本文已影响0人  克克克阿

1. I'm still working on it 我还需要点时间,coke and fries 可乐薯条,complimentary wine 免费红酒,I'll go with sth. 我会选择某事,I will go grab a burger 我会快速去get汉堡

2. I'm feeling quite ill today 今天感觉很不舒服,I'm coming down with the flu 开始患流感,I am calling in sick 因病请假

3. Check in/out 登记/退房,I have a reservation under the name Robert 我用Robert预定了一个位置,there seems to be a mixup 好像搞错了,overbooked 超额预定了,a complimentary upgrade 免费升级

4. The timing is just not right 时机不对,understaffed 人手不足的,She can take some of the weight off my shoulders 她可以减轻一些我的重担,keep our costs down 节省开支

5. It is a mile long 很长很长,cut in line / jump the queue 插队

6. road trips 开车旅行,the car is packed 物资都装好了,munchies 小点心,fill up the tank 给车加油,Can we make a pit stop 停车(加油,买东西等),get all our bases covered 一切就绪,Let's get going 开始吧,get doing sth. 开始做某事,Are we all ready to go? It's all set 准备好了就绪了

7. Your software is not up-to-date 你软件没有更新,I'll be right up/out/down/there 我马上就上来/出来/下来/到那,It's acting up again 它又出毛病了

8. I'm in a bit of a hurry 有点忙没空,you still have my contact details 联系信息,slipped my mind 突然忘了,I'm terrible with numbers "be bad at",how is it going? 你好呀!

9. inconsiderate 考虑不周的,keep it down 小点声,I can't hear a thing 太吵闹了,

10. drive sales 刺激销售额,match the competitors 不比对手差,It will never fly with him 这对他来说是行不通的,He will be here any minute 他随时都会过来,

11. housewarming gift 搬家礼物,fill me in 告诉我,creep me out 吓尿我了,kick sb. out 驱离某人,

12. tidy up 整理,spotless 一尘不染的,buy groceries 买些杂货,I'm in the middle of sth. now 我正忙着呢,I'll be there in a second 我马上就到

13. the cost is through the roof / off the chart 消费太高,go over the numbers again 再检查/过一遍

14. the recession hit me pretty hard 大萧条对我打击很大,I’m really sorry to trouble/bother/interrupt you 不好意思打扰你下,on top of that 除此之外,

15. We met at Tom's place 在汤姆家见过,I am sorry and I feel terrible 实在对不起

16. Are you nuts 你疯了吗?have a fit 生气,cut through 快速通过,let's take a side street 走边道,

17. it’s about time 终于到时候了,ring bearer 捧戒指男孩,

18. bail out sth.,a bail-out 救济保释,have the nerve to do 有勇气做,

19. get a load of 好好打量(看听),don't take that tone with me 不要那样和我说话,

20. as blind as a bat 视力太差,make out 清楚看出来,what seems to be the problem 怎么啦?head on in/to 进来/去

21. a top Fortune 500 food company 500强公司,implement 实施/执行,oversee 监督或偷看,is always going on about 喋喋不休,how's it going 即how are u,what do you do for a living 你做什么工作?

22. impounded 被扣押的,the wedding was ruined 婚礼完全毁了,backup (重音名前动后) 支持或后援,claim to do/be 声称做/是,under heavy attack/security 在猛烈袭击/安保下,

23. let me double check 我再确认下,I a booked solid today 我今天没空,make/ arrange/schedule/book an appointment 预约时间,

24. check out a park 看一看公园,I'm not (all that) crazy about sth. 我不是特别喜欢某物,be in the mood for 想要做,I'd recommend 我推荐,you gotta try 你一定试下表建议,

25. pandemic 流行病,contingency plan  应急计划,head up sth. 负责/领导某事,I'll leave this to you 这个交给你了,

26. transform 改变, cut out 戒掉/移除/不再做/要,I mean it 我是认真的,

27. vacation days 带薪假期,some unpaid leave 无薪休假,do you have a sec/second/minute 你现在有空吗?give sb. notice 提前告诉,I was hoping/thinking 我刚才在想(委婉的请求)

28. relieved to do sth. 很欣慰...,make it up to you 补偿你,a twist of fate 命运的交织,

29. an emerging market 新兴市场,turmoil 混乱不稳定(人/market),proposed stimulus package 提议的经济刺激措施,the aggregate demand for consumer  goods 消费品总需求,build my nest egg 积累储蓄金,currency has been devalued 货币贬值,hit sb. up向某人求助(金钱)

30. give sb. the creeps 让某人很不舒服,rope sb. into sth. 说服某人做,get to know 真地认识,

31.inconvenience sb. 是不方便,something came up 有什么事发生了,

32. I'll need your card number 可以告诉我你的卡号吗?debit/credit card 借记/信用卡,maximum overdraft limit 最大透支额,

33. foul 犯规,shoot the ball / make a shot成功 投球,free throw 罚篮,traveling 走步,make a beer run 再弄点啤酒,

34. deliver his inaugural address 发表就职演说,  President was sworn-in to office 宣誓就职,swore an oath宣誓,Hail to the Chief 向首领致敬,who’s who 名人(总称),dignitary cn.a.高官显要,the excitement is palpable 兴奋显而易见,go down to history 载入史册,my fellow members 亲爱的伙伴们,

35. a good fit 很适合某个工作,unreliable 很不可靠的,work ethic 职业道德,the bottom line is 最重要的点是,a perfectly good one 某人/物没问题,

36. empty promises 虚假承诺,get a hold of 联系,stand sb. up 爽约,where it is heading 去哪,Do you have any idea how angry I was 你究竟知不知道我多生气,get your priority straight 分清轻重缓急,

37. set off the firecrackers 放鞭炮,I bet  我很确定,

38. sedan 轿车,reinforced wall 加固的墙,just browsing 我就看一看,sleep on it 考虑一下,

39. fill me in 告诉我,a career path  职业道路,in his early thirties 刚30出头,

40. welcome on board 欢迎加入,I'm about to do 马上就会做,in the place of 代替等于instead of,Can I ask you a favor?Will you do me a favor 可以帮我个忙吗?I'm sorry to bother you but... 不好意思打扰下,

41. rough 粗糙的粗暴的,at all costs 不惜一切,stand in the way 阻碍挡道,

42. press kit 宣传资料袋,ask an extension 申请延期,run into problems 遇到很多问题, I've been meaning to do  sth. 一直都想着做某事来着,beyond my control 失控,finalize 定案

43. ties to your country 国内和你相关的事,financially independent 经济独立,

44. barely even do sth. 几乎不能做某事,take the stairs 走楼梯,it sure is adj. 真的很...,回答:it is adj.,all right 确实很...,do you happen to do 不知道你是不是做了..,

45. Are you seeing sb. 与某人交往,cheat 欺骗 cheat on 玩弄感情,inmature 不成熟的,Everything is going to work out just fine,It's going to be a right. 一切都会好起来的,pull youeself together 镇静点振作点,

46. out of the woods 脱离危险,hold still 保持别动,hook up (to) 连上(电/网),

47. lead time 设计到生产时间/订货到交货时间,at ant given time 任何时候,I'm with you on this one 我看法一致,

48. Carnival狂欢节; prestigious 有声望的, A ticket scalper 票贩子, once in a lifetime (opportunity / chance ) 无比珍贵且稀有的机会,Good thing I had money in my wallet. 幸好/很开心...,

49. I was wondering can I ... 我可以...吗?Do you think I can...,Do you mind doing/ if I... ,fine then 那好吧!

50. appetite, poison, pointers 建议,wine has a great aroma 酒闻起来很好,pass out 晕倒,make yourself at home 在这请别客气,can I offer you a glass of wine 要不要喝点酒?good decor 装饰,superior flavor 上等的口味,

51. out of my price range 超出价格范围,I'll shop around. 我在逛逛其他店吧,Can you give me a better deal/price 能给个好价钱吗?that's my last offer 我的底线价格(销售/顾客),

52. pepperoni 意大利辣香肠,ham 火腿,thin crust 薄皮,

53. head chef 厨师长,sous chef 副厨师长,French cuisine 菜肴,in the weeds 忙得不可开交,running low on 耗尽缺乏,doing really well 进展很好,

54. due date 到期日/分娩日,in the middle of no where 迷路/迷失,first thing in the morning 早上早早去做,in order 状况良好,

55. puck 冰球,a key player/goal 重要选手得分,check sb. 撞击某人,goalie 守门员,make a save 守门员救球,break away

56. fill in for sb. 代替某人,have the tapped 窃听,patch me through to Carol 帮我连线到,map out 计划,lose your cool 失控

57. photo copier 复印机,out of toner 没墨粉了,practical joke 恶作剧,never mind 没事了/好吧算了,on you way back can you...回去路上你可以...吗?

58. turbulence 强气流/动乱,flight crew is机组,bumpy ride 坎坷期/颠簸之旅,fasten your seat belt 扣紧安全带,lavatory 盥洗室,stow your luggage 放好,refrain from doing  克制,remain seated 坐好,a patch of 一块,suspend 暂停,

59.CRM 客户经理,custom-design 定制,core values 核心价值观,undisbuted 毫无疑问的,a growth/development opportunity 成长机会,read up on 仔细研读,unleash potential 释放潜能,resonate with 产生共鸣,

60. tie her up 绑,fell for it/the lie/joke 竟然信了,gullible 轻信的,the cat is out of the bag 真相大白了,

61. sailing 航行,anchor the boat 抛锚船,doggy-paddling 狗刨,breast stroke 蛙泳,backstroke 仰泳,take a dip 迅速游下,for a little while 一会,coming straight towards me 直冲我过来

62. major in 专业是,minor 辅修,bachelor master ph.d. 学士硕士博士,course of study 学习课程,track 方向轨迹,hence因此,pursue 追求,strive for/to do 努力做,great breadth of experience 丰富的经验,three in one deal 三合一,to implement 实施,

63. certainly 没问题,May I take your name? 我可以记下你名字吗?He will be with you momentarily 一会就来,He is ready for you now 他现在可以处理你的事情了,take/show you to 带你去,right this way 走这条路,watch your step 注意脚下

64. sleep with 上床,confess 表白坦白,be overwhelmed with joy/work 被...淹没,jerk 混蛋,bastard 杂种(骂人),a bun in the oven 怀孕,I couldn't help myself 情不自禁,come into the picture 进入某人的世界,insane 疯狂的,med school 医学院,cheerleading squad 啦啦队,get knocked up 意外怀孕

65. strong technical acumen 雄厚技术能力,excel at 擅长于,head 负责人(头),struggle with/to do 在...有困难,punctuality 准时,address 解决,I think I would be a perfect fit. 我非常合适,given the opportunity, I could bring the success to .. 如果我能有这个机会,我..

impressive 令人惊艳的,

66. 0

67. wingman: 僚机助手, tied: 平分, foul somebody 对某人犯规,kick off 开球,out of bounds 出界,throw in 扔球发球,be offside 越位,goal kick  球门发球,corner kick 角球,penalty kick 罚球, brink: 峭壁的边缘; deflected打歪; goalkeeper守门员,8. (we’re) on the brink of : almost there,9. No question about it: I agree. ##10. (He was offside) by a mile! really obvious

68. irrefutable: 无可争议,flawed: 有缺陷的,systematic: 系统化的,preposterous:  荒谬的, oblivious: 健忘的,extensive research:  大量研究,conclusive evidence 决定性证明, investigative approach 调查方法,definitive conclusion 最后的权威结论,

69. genealogy宗谱系谱学,skeletons in the closet秘密,decipher破译,census人口普查,family lore家庭传说,descended from起源于,

70. 1. lingerie: women's nice pretty sexy underwear ##2. awkward: weird, out of place ##3. granny panties: big ugly underwear like your grandmother's ##4.sleepwear /nighties: a dress you wear when you sleep; silky nighties: made of silk or shiny fabric; satin: 缎子; thong皮带; lacy花边的,5. undies: a short or underwear ##6. mortifying: super embarrassing ##7. get the hell out of here: You wanna Leave this place really quickly. ##8. get this over with: you wanna finish really quickly.

71. 1. on tap: 刚做的fresh beer ##2. happy hour: 特别优惠时间 ##3. a special: 促销特价菜品 ##4. pint: 品脱0.475升 ##5. appetizers: 开胃菜 ##6. nachos: 小薯片 ##7. mozzarella sticks: 炸芝士条 8.what/how about ....怎么样(建议)?what about him?他情况如何。可询问信息

72. 1. preoccupied: 若有所思的 ##2. direct impact: 直接影响 ##3. I resent that!: 分明是恶意诽谤. ##4. beat around the bush: 拐弯抹角,. (opposite)come out with it 直接说出来吧 ##5. let you go: 你被开除了

73. 1. 五个手指: pinkie, ring finger, middle finger, index finger, thumb ##2. May this ring be blessed 婚礼上祝福词 ##3. abide in peace: 和平地生活##4. With this ring I thee wed: thee: you; wed: marry 5.Wear it as a symbol of our love and commitment.

74. 1. famished : 极饿的 ##2. sexist: 性别歧视者 ##3. dumb ass: 笨蛋傻子 ##4. moron: 白痴 ##5. tool: 没用的人. ##6. chill: 冷静/unwind,7. scream at the top of my lungs: 大声喊 ##8. get it together:  冷静下来 ##9. What /how /where /why /when the hell 强调 ##10. Oh, crap! : oh, no!!

75. 1. ache: 疼痛 ##2. x-ray: X光 ##3. swollen: 肿胀的; swell v.; swelling n. ##4. wisdom teeth:智齿 ##5. cavity: 洞 ##6. crown: 牙冠 ##7. refitted: 重整,装修; spit 吐出##8.8. what seems to be the problem? :你有什么要咨询的呢? ##9. let’s have a look: 看一下 ##10. It doesn’t look good: 有点问题

76. 1. plus加; minus减; times 乘; divided by 除以; square root 平方根; negative 1: -1,  ##2. a teacher’s pet: 老师的宠儿 3. Suck up: 马屁精/拍马屁  ##4. smarty pants: 聪明绝顶(小孩) ##5. (Mr.)know-it-all: 自以为的百事通,

77. 1. jam on the brake:  急刹车##2. spin out : (急刹车引起的)转圈 ##3. pace car : 开路车/首位车,4. clean-up crew :  手工型清理小组##5. tow: 拉/拖走 ##6. partner in crime:  共犯(指很好朋友)##7. the last stretch: 最后时刻##8.to go : left,还有...结束 ##9. a close one: 很险

78. 1,genesis:起源 2,appalling:震惊的,恶劣的.3,hostility:敌意 4,take drastic measures/actions :采取激烈措施 5,brutality: 无情,残暴 6. an important aspect of something: 重要方面. 7. It is not enough to simply do something: 做...是不够的. 8. They passed a resolution stating that eight hours would constitute a legal day’s work. : 过去将来时用法.

79. 1、unidentified space craft, UFO-不明飞行物 2、break through: 突破/闯入, 3、settle argument /dispute/ problems 彻底解决争端/问题. 4、tractor beam: 牵引光束 5、accelerate: 加速 6. will no longer 将不再,7. you know nothing of sth. 你不知道...,8.once and for all 彻底地

80. show up 出现,stalk 跟踪,a nut job 疯狂的事, get sb. worked up 让某人情绪化,soulmate 灵魂伴侣,over nothing 无事生非地,not a day has gonne by when/that I havn't thought of you 没有一天是我不想你的,no matter what/where/when/how 无论..,

81. 1、get a trim or trim my hair: 简单修一下头发 2、Nothing too fancy: 不要太精致高级 3、silky (hair/ skin):  柔滑的4、shiny: 有光泽的 5、sideburns: 鬓角,连鬓胡子; afro: 非式蓬蓬头; 6. llet Your hair grow out: 让头发再长一长,7. masterpiece:杰作,绝无仅有的, 8. Don’t just stand there! 别傻站那了,9. You look like a million bucks! :看起来帅呆美极! 10. take a little off the top/ sides: 修一修头顶/两边,crewcut 平头,mullet鱼头发型

82. 1. heck: 真见鬼; Howdy: 你好; alien: 外国人,外星人 2. A creature:生物 3. break free (from something) : 解脱 4. a kidnapper: 绑架者 5. a rapist :强奸犯 6. Le'me=Let me, gi'me=give me 7. What the heck /hell is going on!到底咋回事 8. We suspected her of being a kidnapper: 怀疑某人绑架

83. 1. ATM= automatic teller machine 2. the local authourities: 警察部门 3. slot: 长槽 4. 6 digit : 6位的; PIN code:一种密码 pound key:井号键 ; star key: 星号键 5. withdraw: 取(钱); withdrawal(n.) 6. transfer : 转移转账 7.  insert: 嵌入. 8. Please select an option: 做一个选择

84. 1. milligram (mg.): 毫克 2. a price check: 价格确认 3. pharmacy: 药品; capsule:胶囊; tablet: 药片; 4. prescription: 处方 5. overdose: 用药过量 6. eye drops: 眼药水 7. Be sure not to do : 确认下不要做某事. 8. Just hang on there a sec /minute. 等一会

85. 1. national anthem: 国歌 2. pitcher: 投手 3. wind up: 做好准备,4.hit a line drive:  直飞球 5. scramble: 混战/ 6. inning: 一局 7. seal the deal: 搞定; umpire裁判; outfielder外场手; slides滑,下跌; Stadium体育场 8. (You're) up to bat/Stadium: 轮到你说话了了 9. strike one: 第一次击球. 10. (throw sb) a curve ball: 扔给某人难题 11.hit a home run: hit the ball really far, success/victory

86. landlord 房东, tenant 租客,renovate 整修/革新, Payment term 付款方式,Airy 通风的, Square footage 占地面积,Kitchen Appliance 厨房设施, Spacious 宽敞的, Gas range - stove煤气灶,Professional-grade 专业级, Industrial-grade工业级, Walk-in closet 大壁柜, En suite bathroom 成套浴室,

87. unidentified ship 不明船只,warp 弯曲变形,search party 搜索救援队,a wig 假发,under attack/fire 受攻击中,

sustain 维持/承担/忍受,what's the nature of  ... 原因,

88. here is the thing 事情是这样的,can't take it any more 受不了了,are you serious 你认真的嘛?have the guts to do 有勇气做,just for the two of us 只有我俩,all to oneself 专属某人,I've always seen you as 一直都把你看做,give me a shot 让我试一试,

89. 1.There is nothing I can do 我也没办法 2. piece of luggage 行李 3. Carry-on luggage 随身行李 4. inter-Continental 跨洲的 5.board the train/bus/vehicle 登火车 6.over-head compartment 头上隔间 7. how am I supposed to do it我到底该怎么做 8.charge/cost next to nothing (花费)很便宜 9.charge an arm and a leg 花费太多 10. round-trip ticket 往返票

90. 1. Spy 间谍 2. Come clean 坦白交代 3. Renowned 著名的 4. to be approached by somebody 接近某人,claim 声称,vow 起誓 5. Whereabout 行踪/下落 6. What’s going on 什么情况? 7.i haven’t been completely honest with you 我一直没讲真话 8.the invention of millennium 千年大发明  9.i wasn’t supposed to love you 不该

91. Vacabunary preview: 1.constellation: 星座; earthling:世人, Language take away: consequence:后果, ambition: 志向, Downfall: 垮台失败, belligerent:好战的, Anguish:n.v. 使痛不欲生,Putting it togeter: 1Such wonders: 2what gives You the right to :谁给你权利.. 3Play God:没听懂 求补充…… 4.Who are you to : 你有什么资格...,  Fluency building 1.what is going on: how are you/ what happen?(angryly) 2.I haven’t been completely honest with you ,(when you ready to confess to sb) 4.Discovery of the millennium: 千年一遇的(大发现)pretty important  5.Be not Supposed to: 本不应该

92. cool it 冷静放松些,ease off 缓和/远离,

93. 0093D Volleyball 排球  Vacabunary preview: 1、Exciting encounter: meeting of 2 people or 2 team. 遭遇 2、A powerhouse: 劲旅  team company people 都可用  Language take away: 1.Bump: 主持人解释是用双肘前侧面击球 2.set: 准备球 3.spike the ball:扣球 4.service: oppotunity to start the ball 5.jump service: 高抛球,跳起来击球 6.let service:重发球  Fluency building 1.Ahead of us:sth.will happened in nearly future 2.with out a doubt: obviously 3.sth will prove to be : we shall see and sure,demonstrate 4.a great play:every is moving toward the goal


