中国水产品出口的最大市场:2020年美国波士顿水产展 Seafood Expo North America
Meet face to face with seafood suppliers
The exposition features 1,329 exhibiting companies from 49 countries. Exhibitors supply nearly every type of fish, seafood, and seafood-related product or service.Attend Seafood Expo North America/Seafood Processing North Americato find the following:
Fresh fish and seafood
Frozen fish and seafood
Value added seafood
Processed and packaged fish and seafood
Processing and packaging equipment
Freight forwarders and logistical services
Seafood-industry service providers
【2020年美国波士顿水产展】【展会时间】:2020 年3月15-17日
【2020年美国波士顿水产展】【主办单位】:Diversified Communications
【2020年美国波士顿水产展】【组展单位】:北京领汇国际展览有限公司 林小小 15637776797
Geographic Breakdown of Attendees:
North America: 80%
Asia: 8%
Europe: 7%
South America: 4%
Rest of World: 1%
Who attends?
Airline、Bar/club、Cruise line、Distributor、Fast food、Government/military、Grocery、High-volume catering、Hospital、Hotel、Import/export、Manufacturer、Processor、Resort、Restaurant、School、Supermarket、Wholesale
美国波士顿国际水产展1982年首次举办,目前是世界渔业领域影响力最大、知名度最 高的专业水产贸易展,世界三大水产品展会中规 模最大的一个,是美国发展迅速的前50名展览会 之一。展会主办方Diversified Communications,作为世界着名海鲜展览主办者,是中国水产与海鲜产品通向世界的捷径!