
绘本讲师训练营【9期英语】7/21读《Pedro the Pir

2018-04-03  本文已影响17人  Cindy_kids

09110 邓萌

今天读的这本绘本《Pedro the Pirate》is a humorous fantasy story. 作者是Mick Gowar and Rory Walker. 适合对英文有一定基础的5-8岁孩子。

绘本讲师训练营【9期英语】7/21读《Pedro the Pirate》

这本书从一个很特别的角度来写海盗的故事,大家一般都会觉得海盗都是很勇敢和强壮的,但这本书里的海盗不是哦。They got scared when the cannons went bang. They hid when the muskets went crack. And luckily there is a parrot called Pedro. It is very brave and fierce. Pedro is look after all of the crews.

故事的开始就从:Pete was a pirate captain. Most pirates are brave and fierce. But Pete wasn’t. Pete’s crew weren’t brave or fierce either. 这时侯可以问下孩子们他们觉得海盗应该是怎么样的呢?怎么算是勇敢呢?如果海盗害怕大炮和枪的声音那该怎么办呢?


绘本讲师训练营【9期英语】7/21读《Pedro the Pirate》

He is brave and fierce. He was also very clever. Pedro listened carefully when the cannons went bang and the muskets went crack.然后Pedro展示她有多聪明,他学会了模仿枪和大炮的声音,而且非常逼真以至于把同船的海盗们都吓得弃船逃跑了!

Captain Pete and crew 习惯了枪炮声,在夜晚安然入睡,结果另外一支海盗队伍夜袭了Pete的船,所有人都被抓住并将要被丢下海喂鱼,聪明的Predro had a good idea:BANG! BANG! BANG! Crack! Crack!他吓跑了另一支海岛队伍,并啄开了绳索救了他的海盗朋友们。

故事的结局是“Three cheers for Pedro, our new pirate Captain!”

绘本讲师训练营【9期英语】7/21读《Pedro the Pirate》 绘本讲师训练营【9期英语】7/21读《Pedro the Pirate》

I’m not very brave, or big, tough, so if I were a pirate I’d probably be a lot like Pete. I hope I’d have someone like Pedro to look after me!不是那个孩子都能那么勇敢,接受他们的不勇敢,当他们的Pedro Captain。


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