

2020-05-06  本文已影响0人  宇宙公民安夫人

雖然這個世界因新冠病毒疫情的持續擴散而彷佛按下了暫停鍵。但可喜的是, 在我們的生活中仍然有許多垂手可得的生活小確幸!

青色的大煙山脈,除了有從國家森林公園跨界而來的野生動物們~如黑熊、兔子、土撥鼠跟野火雞🦃️...等,爭相來我家花園覓食外 ,還有滿山遍谷的無邊春色。

老公跟我一向喜愛各式花卉, 也熱衷於種植,每次一到花開的季節、看到這些花兒們個個在自家的花園內搖曳生姿, 恣意開放、爭奇鬥豔 、芬芳吐香..,讓人流連忘返,更感到心曠神怡。

Although the world seems to have pressed the pause button due to the continued spread of the new coronavirus epidemic.  But the good news is that in our lives there are still so many blessing of our life .

The cyan Great Smoky Mountains, in addition to wild animals from the National Forest Park ~ such as black bears, etc., competing to come to our garden for food, and the endless spring colors of mountains and valleys.

My husband and I have always loved all kinds of flowers and are also keen on planting. Every time when the flower blooms, I see these flowers swaying in their own gardens, opening up, fighting, and fragrant ...  , Make people linger and forget, and feel more relaxed and happy.



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