Day 13 The Gay Genius C14

2017-12-21  本文已影响0人  晨夕_3901

Words and expressions

1. The womenfolk and children had a great scare when a number o£ soldiers surrounded the boat, ransacked their trunks, and threw their contents about, as all soldiers on such duties do.

ransack: to go through a place, stealing things and causing damage

仿写: The whole flat had been ransacked

2. He thought that affairs had taken a turn for the worse and perhaps he was doomed.

doom: to make someone or something certain to fail, die, be destroyed

仿写: The plan was doomed from the start.

3. We are indebted to the poet Lu Yu for the history of a manuscript in Su Tungpo's own handwriting containing all the documents of the trial.

be indebted to: be grateful to

仿写: He will be indebted to you for what you have done.


树大招风,苏东坡的才气毫无意外地招来了一系列朝廷中小人的嫉妒与陷害,借他诗词中的讽喻,让苏东坡身陷囹圄,在12 天的牢狱之灾中,我以为苏东坡的思想必是经历了相当大的波动,经济了押解途中的起念自杀,到永别诗的写作。然而当他被释出狱后,感受到久违的泥土芬芳,鸟语花香,诗兴大发,当晚又奋笔写下两首诗文,还是那个豪放的东坡。


