My Travel Journal
我的旅行日记 --
Everyone enjoys different kinds of ways of traveling. This is my travel journal, which, it records every single place I have been to, as well as local custom, cultural and political history.
***Chapter 1 – Getting a Valuable Trip***
随着电子科技产品的不断普及,越来越少的人愿意静下心来品一杯茶,读一本书,充实自己的大脑。平时问一句朋友 “又在思考人生啦?”竟然变成了一种调侃的玩笑话。在刷朋友圈和微博的时候,看着别人时不时地去这里呀,那里呀旅游,再看看自己短短的所到之地的清单,顿觉冷落寂寥了许多,掩不住心里那点儿虚荣心,蠢蠢欲动,有一种不顾一切要把自己的清单也加长,便可以同别人比肩,甚至超过别人的小小冲动,就把自己旅行的肤浅见识当成可以与别人攀比的资本。
It is getting more common for people to get access to electronic product, and people would rather spend time on social media, checking out about others’ life, chatting on nonsense stuff with friends, as well as being gossip around, than sit down, read books and fulfill oneself. When seeing friends are traveling everywhere on Facebook and Instagram, I was very much jealous of them, hoping that my traveled-country list could be as long as their lists no matter how much it costs. Thus thoughts directly lead me to solely visit one place and another, but slow down and get to deeply know about each one of them.
After returned from trip to Sichuan Province, it feels like the trip was completely blank, in vain, nothing actually touched my heart during the trip. Even though travel without tour group would actually buy more freedom, yet without knowing local history, custom and culture, such travel would be ‘sightseeing’ only. After a few years when look back, there’ll be nothing but merely beautiful pictures to remember of.
***End of Chapter***