
2018-06-21  本文已影响0人  Win_ea7b







孩子生病,一般会有三种原因,第一,孩子的抵抗力还没有完全的建立。第二,孩子,需要学习。他们会这里摸摸,那里尝尝, 难免会病从口入。第三,大人的照顾不周。






"I told you, don't xxxx,Are you sick."  Do you blame the children?

"It's because you put the air conditioner too low because you don't add him." Will you  blame others?

Children do not want to get sick.

Adults do not want children to get sick.

But each of us may be sick, especially  children.

Anyone will be sick. This is a basic fact,  so we must accept it.

There are generally three reasons why a  child is sick. First, the child’s resistance  has not yet been fully established. Second, children need to learn. They will touch here and try it there. It will inevitably lead to  illness. Third, adult care is poor.

What should I do if children get sick? Take fever as an example.

First, try to find the cause of sick. Did not eat well, did not rest well,  resulting in decreased resistance? Is not  the change in the external environment, is  not it cold?

Second, blood tests. Check whether it is a  viral infection or a bacterial infection, and  then treat the disease symptomatically.

Third, pay attention to observation. In the  process of treatment, we must always pay  attention to the state of the child. Body  temperature over 38.5 degrees, generally  have to eat antipyretics, a long time high  fever is very dangerous. Fever is an  iterative process. Even if you have a fever, don't take it lightly. Only when the condition is stable can you go out to play and go to  class.

In short, getting sick is inevitable.  The most important thing is that we have to deal with it. First of all,  correctly  understand it, do not blame and do not complain; then, take scientific treatment; finally, good care until rehabilitation.

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