2018-09-27 本文已影响0人
upend:to turn something upside down
Taobao has upended the Chinese retail market.
The internet has upended industries, from entertainment to retailing.
我们在介绍和评价某个革命性的产品时,就可以用到 upend。比如一句话评价特斯拉电车:
Tesla, an electric-car manufacturer, has upended the traditional auto industry.
Didi Chuxing, a ride-hailing service in China, has upended the taxi business.
说到“改变”,我们可以想到用 change,shift,“巨大的改变”可能会想到有 change...greatly,想到“颠覆”可能会用 disrupt;相比来说 upend 更形象,改变的程度更大。(太妙了!!!)
1)Technology has upended the publishing industry.
2) Organizers synthesis has upended the perfume industry.