
06-Origami中文帮助-Workflow-Sketch I

2016-07-11  本文已影响79人  Dosen


这是我学习quartz composer,Origami,看官方文档翻译下来的,每天一篇,有不准确的地方希望能指出,一起交流进步。转载请与我联系,擅自转载视作侵权。

Sketch Import      导入Sketch文件

Download Sketch Plugin

New in Origami 2.1, you can now import a file from Sketch to start prototyping in seconds. Just hitFile > Import Sketch File...and it will import the currently open Sketch document and place all the Layers in the correct, center-anchored position in the appropriate Layer Groups (supports multiple Artboards as well).

在新的Origami2.1中,你可以从Sketch中导入一个文件,来快速开始原型工作。点击File > Import Sketch File,它会从当前打开的Sketch文件中导入并且正确的放置所有图层,中心锚点放置在层组合适的位置(支持多个Artboard)。

Updating an imported document      更新一个导入的文件

The import will place each image as a Live Image, which means that any updates to an asset will be reflected immediately. This is handy if you are tweaking copy, images, or appearances.

导入功能会把每一个放置进来的图片作为Live Image(功能就是放置一张电脑上的图片的模块),这意味着资源的任何更新都会实时的反射进来,方便你做调整。

To update the assets, simply install and run theExport for Origamiplugin from Sketch⌘⌥⌃O. It will not update positions or layer hierarchies.

更新资源,只需要安装并运行Sketch的插件Export for Origami( ⌘⌥⌃O ),它不会更新位置或层的分级。

Watch theSketch + Origami tutorialfor a detailed walkthrough:

观看Sketch + Origami tutorial详细的演示:


Limitations      局限性

Sketch import is meant for the initial transition into Origami. It will not update positions/layer hierarchies. Each time you run Import Sketch File it will create a new file. Use the plugin mentioned above to update layer images.

Sketch导入意味着在导进Origami时就初始化了位置,它不会更新位置和层级。每次你运行Import Sketch File就会创建一个新文件。使用上面提到的插件更新图层图片。

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