
Advice and example

2019-08-16  本文已影响3人  紫罗兰Shirley

Proclaim the message; be persistent whether the time is favorable or unfavorable; convince, rebuke, and encourage, with the utmost patience in teaching. ----Timothy 4:2

We could be saved by God, not because of us as guides, but we are God’s children. We are not the spiritual mediums, but the spiritual messengers. The message we preach must be part of our live. God’s children are His message itself and his words are the spirit and the life. Our lives as his disciples must be the confirmation of the message. The natural heart of man loves to do many things for the ministry, but only the heart must be broken truly in the remorse of sin, watered by the holy spirit, and rubbed into God’s will, the life become the confirmation of the message.

There is a difference between the testimony and preaching. Preachers are called by God to do everything they can to tell God’s truth. God takes us out of our own minds to shape and use us, just as the disciples did after the Pentecost. The Pentecost didn’t teach the disciples anything, God only turned them into a message for them— “You shall be my witnesses.”

When you speak, let God have absolute freedom. Before God’s word can free anyone’s soul, it must free you. Then speak out what you have experienced and shine for the Lord.

Dear God, you are omniscient God. I pray that you can give me more wisdom today, so that my worship and right deeds may please you. God, speak to me continually about yourself in your perfection and goodness. 


