2019-03-04 本文已影响0人
银河护卫队20190304日报Marvel Studios is reportedly looking to cast an openly gay male actor as the lead in upcoming comic book movie The Eternals.
The movie is said to be searching for someone who is between the ages of 30 and 49. He needs to “physically look like a superhero” and will preferably be open about their sexuality.
内容来自于@Pink news
银河护卫队20190304日报Too queer to be Muslim, too Muslim to be queer
by Hafsa Qureshi
"My queerness as a Muslim woman will always be an anomaly, whether in LGBT+ circles as a quirky outlier, or in my south Asian community. I've decided to take that power and use it, weaponise it to raise the visibility of other people like me, though we've been around a long time."
摘编:桃子 Tao
审核:小羽 Yu