C2 Business Processes
Business Processes
- Transaction: an agreement between 2 entities to exchange goods or services or any other measurable in economic terms
- Transaction processing: from capturing transaction data to informational output (e.g. financial statements)
- Business or transaction cycles:
- Revenue cycle: goods and services → (future) cash
- Expenditure cycle:(future) cash → inventory (for resale) or materials (for production)
- Production cycle: raw materials → finished goods
- Human resource / Payroll cycle: cash → labor
- Financing cycle: (future) cash → (future) cash
Data Processing Cycle
- Data input → Data Processing (↔ Data Storage) → Information output
Data input
- Source documents
- Turnaround documents: record of company data, sent to an external party, and return as input
- Source data automation: a method that improves the accuracy and efficiency
Data Storage
Transactions → Journal → Ledger
Ledgers: to store cumulative information
General ledger: summary level of data for every asset, liability, equity, revenue, and expense account
Subsidiary ledger: detailed data for general ledger accounts containing individual sub-accounts
Control account: general ledger accounts corresponding to a subsidiary ledger account
Coding Techniques
Coding: systematic assignment of numbers / letters to classify and organize
Sequence codes: numbered consecutively to avoid gaps
Block code: blocks of numbers (within a sequence) reserved for categories
Group code: 2 or more nums coding 1 item
General journal: to record infrequent or non-routine transactions
Specialized journal: to simplify the process of recording repetitive transactions
Audit trail: posting references and document numbers, to check the accuracy and validity of ledger postings
Computer-Based Storage Concepts
Entity: what information is stored about
Attributes; Fields; Record; Data value
- Master file: cumulative information about resources and agents interacted (permanent)
- Transaction file: records for individual transactions (in a specific fiscal period)
Data Processing
- "CRUD": Creating, Reading, Updating & Deleting
Batch proceeding: periodic updating of data (contrary: online / real-time processing)
Disadvantage: cannot be corrected at the time input