
2020-09-02  本文已影响0人  纯空



Lulu: Last time we talked about all these basics.

James: Yeah, the dormitory andall stuff like that.

Lulu: How about we start with the big question with how much does it cost?

James: Do you really wanna know?

Lulu: l'm a little bit scared, but let's diveinto it. First of all, you have public andprivate universities, right?

James: Yes, we do. So we have for which called state schools and private schools. So in general, public or state schools are cheaper than private schools.

Lulu: Is it a lot cheaper?

James: That is a lot more complicated than it seems.

Lulu: ok, so, can you give us some

examples, like actual numbers?

James: Well, let's focus on just public

schools for now. In America, public

schools are at the state level. So each

state has their own public school. And uh,if you're a resident of that state, you pay what's called instate tuition, basically at alocal tuition. So let's take a famous school that many of you may know, like a

University of California Berkeley.

Lulu: UC Berkeley. Ok.

James: Very famous school. So if you'refrom California, if you're a California

resident, UC Berkeleycost five thousand seven hundred twenty one dollars perterm.

Lulu: Per term. So a year, that would beyou have to double it.

James: Yes, but if you're not from

California, so if you are like me, who's fromWashington. The cost of going to UC

Berkeley would be twenty thousand twohundred seventeen dollars per term.

Lulu: Per term. Wow, that will make it forty thousand dollars per year.

James: That's right.

Lulu: That's always close to the average income.

James: Right, so myself or a Chinese

person would pay the same price going toUC Berkeley, because we're not from


Lulu: Oh, so they don't have international tuition. They only have in state/out of state.

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