The Practice

2018-02-06  本文已影响0人  吉米妈妈


sideboard:n. 餐具柜;餐边柜


spark:n. 火花

ethereal:/ɪ'θɪəriəl,ɪˋθɪrɪəl/ adj.very delicate and light, in a way that does not seem real缥缈的;超凡的

summon:/'sʌmən,ˋsʌmən/ v. [T ] to order someone to come to a place召唤,叫来

trigger:/'trɪɡə,ˋtrɪgɚ/ n. [C ] the part of a gun that you pull with your finger to fire it 〔枪的〕扳机pull/squeeze the trigger

colossal:/kə'lɒs ə l,kəˋlɑsḷ/ adj.used to emphasize that something is extremely large

sheer:used to emphasize that something is very heavy, large etc


All she had to do now was to put her great plan into action.

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