攒文献|The study on challenges of t

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作者:Mohsen Farmahini Farahani (Ph.D)

At first, the term of "Philosophy for Children" seeks to bring out philosophy from abstract situation and to bring it

the community. Secondly, it wants to provide a new approach to education system in order to solve fundamental

problems and weaknesses of the education system which appears incurable long ago. In attempting to utilization of

philosophy and practical teaching of critical thinking, the newest and the most important steps is likely Philosophy

for Children which are aimed at strengthening and enhancing the reasoning, judgment and distinguishing skills. The

aim of philosophy for Children differ from other applied Philosophy. It will help students to think and solve their

problems individually (Lipman, 2003).

Children, who engage philosophy, can see the world and themselves in a new perspective they can get ideas which

May otherwise impossible come to their mind (Fisher, 1995). So, philosophy is not slowly to learn the history of

philosophical ideas, everyone must tie abstract concepts in tangible experiences. (Leeuw, 1993) Jespersen believes

that philosophical texts should be narrative for children and adolescents, and you and your students enjoy it and

finally say this is really a good story let’s hear it again (Jespersen, 1993). Jackson and Deutsch (1978), showed in

their study, which carried out on 1000 primary school students of Hawaii, the higher scores of New Jersey

reasoning skills test belonged to who participated in the philosophy class than control group and students who didn’t

participant in this class.

Daniel (1998) investigated the “Philosophy for Children” program and its effects on student’s critical thinking. The

results showed that students who participated in of 9 and 15 weeks course (2 hours a week) got better performance

in critical thinking than control group. Malmhester (1999) designed a program (used to Philosophy for Children Program)in a long-term study which lasted for 6 years in 4 elementary schools of Stockholm, Sweden, and

During his study, experimental group participated in philosophy classes and control group studied normally. The

study results indicated that experimental group performance differed significantly from control group performance

and they were better in various tests such as academic achievement of mate, reasoning test of New Jersey and


Trickey and Topping (2004), in the article as “Philosophy for Children” reviewed systematically to surveys from

1970 to 2002 and indicated the positive effects of the program in reading, critical thinking, reasoning skills, selfesteem and cognitive abilities and math. What certain is that the new design” philosophy and child'” provides a

suitable background to offer various ideas and opinion and analyzes most of educational issues and problems of

children. Alongside this new project which can solve many educational issues and problems of children, it mustn’t

be ignored the challenges and possible inconvenience. Any projects initially faced with some obstacles and

problems that the project philosophy for children is not exceptional case of these rule. The challenges of teaching

philosophy to children and offering solution regarding "teaching philosophy to children," 29 challenges are define

that 8 challenges of them are presented because of their importance with more explanation. In other cases, challenge

with solution is offered.

1 – In the history of psychological theories, such as Piaget and other developmental psychologists, childhood is not

the abstract thought period, and basically sciences such as philosophy, are not considered suitable to this period.

Therefore, to state practically the Philosophy for Children program has been faced with this challenge, but in P4C

program, it is tried that instead of addressing a specific content and philosophical theories, to be addressed the

specific methods philosophical thinking.

2-In the program of teaching philosophy to children, the role of teacher is very determinative and indirect. The

teacher should able to guide philosophical arguments and discussion. Therefore, the teacher him/her is a challenge in

this program. In traditional education, a teacher is a person who knows the correct answer and he/she should correct

mistakes. In other words, the teacher is pivotal. First in P4C system, it is emphasized to conversation. Second,

answers to the questions, are not the certain and predetermined answer that just the teachers know; rather it is

emphasized to the discussion. To overcome this challenge, teacher must learn how to lead philosophical discussions.

They must learn how to use practices, how to address the issues and topics, and how to persuade students, to think

for and about them, and think about the purpose of philosophy for children and what the operational process, its

methods and styles as well as instrument are.

These questions are important and challenging issues in the past three decades. Awareness of the nature of

philosophy for children precedes to seek its methods and patterns. For example, some believes that "Philosophy for

Children" is closer to the logic than philosophy; however, some researchers argue that the logic is the main

framework to, philosophy for children. Besides, there are differences in its methods among connoisseurs.

Instance, Lipman argues that we must enlist the logic in philosophy of the children, while others, believe to

develop philosophy program through the literature and psychology of children. It seems that every country must

select options on the basis of its culture and characteristics in this field.

3-To hurry in applying the teaching philosophy for children: preparation and social acceptance is very important in

implementing of this plan. This project as other educational projects requires pondering, study and researching

deeply in order that this project doesn’t lead to imbalance in sections and undermine it of society. Conversely, if the

project is cautiously and carefully implemented, the project will success and achieve to its purposes and results in

less damages otherwise, it may upper most fall due to lack of comprehensive understanding of its implementation. .

(Tajbakhsh, 1387). To counter this challenge, it is noted that one of the most important criteria of implementing

each project is social acceptance which can help its efficiency and effectiveness educating and informing through

the media/press and public education.

4-Another challenge –which is related to the above challenge and considerable in Iran’s education- is that

unfortunately most new educational programs including "Teaching Philosophy for Children" will delay , than accelerate without any readiness in suitable context including competent teacher training, supplying books and

good stories, so the project will lose its efficient. To conquer this obstacle first, it must properly understand the

project theoretical basis, be completely discussed and be considered in academic level and studied it. In the next

level, be offered some academic courses in universities in this field and then be established the discipline of

philosophy for children and some institution act in this field. After all these works, it turns to public level of

education, teachers and people. Finally, it turns to pilot implementation when academic and mental readiness is


5- Family awareness of the "teaching philosophy to children” project: education is necessary in order to familiarize

families with, "Philosophy and Child" project and to inform them. If informing will not be done correctly, and the

public interest will not be done by families, the project’s goals are not come off. You do not get the correct

information, and the public interest is not done by families, plan their goals rounds will. In this training child’s

attitude must be impulse toward critical thinking and questioning. By families and families accept that their children

grow mentally (Tajbakhsh, 1387)

6 - Breaking current social values and norms: Besides posing above issues by families this question arises that is it

true in which social values and norms are extirpated? No society likes to spurn its present authenticity and values,

and to void them, and to break its educational status in its aims, value and norms because cultural authenticity of a

society is tied up with valued funds of the society and to spurning the values and norms could shake cultural basis of

the society, and damage social-cultural structure of the society seriously (Tajbakhsh, 1387). Therefore this point is

posed that to overspend critical thinking and to question unreasonably of children bring them out of socializationing

and leading to norm breaking. So, we will encounter a patient and sick society which will press destructive effects to

the public. However, if p4c plan will be implemented correctly and constructed its educational foundation its

cultural enrichment, negative feedback is reduced.

7-Lack of trained and skilled instructors to teach philosophy to children: It is so important to teach children with

trained and skilled instructors. Therefore, at first, it is a priority to train skilled and competence instructors aimed at

achieving the projects goals of teaching philosophy to children. Instructors play a critical role as the first basis of

discussions in classes and as leaders of the project. If instructors will do clumsily in training, some moral and

behavioural problems such as frustration, humiliation, low self-esteem, worthlessness, loss of identification,

unsuitable pride and so on are too dangerous for this new project. While instructors will not been properly and they

have not passed in-service courses, the success is impossible.

8 - The Challenge of philosophy as discipline: It is too old debate whether philosophical discussion is suitable for

children. This debate is still continued because of mixing of two concepts: doing philosophy as a discipline” such

as “to study the great thinkers’ ideas since ancient Greek age, and “to philosophize” such as thought philosophically

about any question. Several critics of teaching philosophy to children argue that children couldn’t learn philosophy,

whereas supporters consider an opposite concept. Today, there is a clear distinction between “teaching for thinking

“and “teaching about thinking”. The first one, teaching for thinking, is emphasized for children. Teaching for

thinking means that thought process through questions and thinking could involve anything even thought. But

“teaching about thinking” would not ensure to improve one’s cognitive ability, indeed teaching about the oceans and

butterflies do not so, and these teaching would not alter children to skilled thinkers (Lipman, 1988).

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