持续英文写作Enjoy English 成长励志

Managing time properly

2019-04-25  本文已影响0人  九分甜_e611

This evening I listened to the experience sharing of four successful girls and boys who took part in the postgraduate entrance examination.

Managing time properly

What stuck me most was that they have the ability to balence study and work.  They not only have great but also have strong capacity.

Managing time properly

I think of what I am doing everyday. Suddenly I realized the gap between me and them.

Managing time properly

I am very busy everyday, hardly ever have time to watch soap opera like my roommates. Everyday my plans on the note book can't be finished totally.  I comforted myself that I have no enough time. If I have rich free time, I must finish them on time.

Now I know if I can manage time properly, the results will be changed.

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