
2017-06-22  本文已影响373人  60916fc63567



查看源代码库,目前注明的还都是oc 代码,swift代码还没有完全注释。

An object encapsulating the state of everything being tracked for a given moment in time.
@discussion The model provides a snapshot of all data needed to render a given frame.
@available(iOS 11.0, *)
open class ARFrame : NSObject, NSCopying {

 A timestamp identifying the frame.
open var timestamp: TimeInterval { get }

 The frame's captured image.
open var capturedImage: CVPixelBuffer { get }

 The camera used to capture the frame's image.
 @discussion The camera provides the device's position and orientation as well as camera parameters.
@NSCopying open var camera: ARCamera { get }

 A list of anchors in the scene.
open var anchors: [ARAnchor] { get }

/**灯光,详情可见本章节ARLightEstimate类介绍(指的是灯光强度 一般是0-2000,系统默认1000)
 A light estimate representing the light in the scene.
 @discussion Returns nil if there is no light estimation.
@NSCopying open var lightEstimate: ARLightEstimate? { get }

 Feature points in the scene with respect to the frame's origin.
 @discussion The feature points are only provided for configurations using world tracking.
open var rawFeaturePoints: ARPointCloud? { get }


ARHitTestResult.ResultType:捕捉类型 点还是面
[ARHitTestResult]:追踪结果数组 详情见本章节ARHitTestResult类介绍
Searches the frame for objects corresponding to a point in the captured image.

 @discussion A 2D point in the captured image's coordinate space can refer to any point along a line segment
 in the 3D coordinate space. Hit-testing is the process of finding objects in the world located along this line segment.
 @param point A point in the image-space coordinate system of the captured image.
 Values should range from (0,0) - upper left corner to (1,1) - lower right corner.
 @param types The types of results to search for.
 @return An array of all hit-test results sorted from nearest to farthest.
open func hitTest(_ point: CGPoint, types: ARHitTestResult.ResultType) -> [ARHitTestResult]

 Returns a display transform for the provided viewport size and orientation.
 @discussion The display transform can be used to convert normalized points in the image-space coordinate system
 of the captured image to normalized points in the view's coordinate space. The transform provides an aspect-fill
 and the correct rotation for presenting the captured image in the given size and orientation.
 @param viewportSize The size of the viewport.
 @param orientation The orientation of the viewport.
open func displayTransform(withViewportSize viewportSize: CGSize, orientation: UIInterfaceOrientation) -> CGAffineTransform


extension ARSessionConfiguration {

 Enum constants for indicating the world alignment.
@available(iOS 11.0, *)
public enum WorldAlignment : Int {

    /** Aligns the world with gravity that is defined by vector (0, -1, 0). 

case gravity

    /** Aligns the world with gravity that is defined by the vector (0, -1, 0)
     and heading (w.r.t. True North) that is given by the vector (0, 0, -1). 

case gravityAndHeading

    /** Aligns the world with the camera's orientation.

case camera
extension ARWorldTrackingSessionConfiguration {

 Option set indicating the type of planes to detect.
@available(iOS 11.0, *)
public struct PlaneDetection : OptionSet {

    public init(rawValue: UInt)

    /** Plane detection determines horizontal planes in the scene. */
    public static var horizontal: ARWorldTrackingSessionConfiguration.PlaneDetection { get }


An object to describe and configure the Augmented Reality techniques to be used in an ARSession.
@available(iOS 11.0, *)
open class ARSessionConfiguration : NSObject, NSCopying {

 Determines whether this device supports the ARSessionConfiguration.
open class var isSupported: Bool { get }

 Determines how the session's coordinate system should be aligned with the world.
 @discussion The default is ARWorldAlignmentGravity.
open var worldAlignment: ARSessionConfiguration.WorldAlignment

 Enable or disable light estimation.
 @discussion Enabled by default.
open var isLightEstimationEnabled: Bool



A session configuration for world tracking.

@discussion World tracking provides 6 degrees of freedom tracking of the device.
By finding feature points in the scene, world tracking enables performing hit-tests against the frame.
Tracking can no longer be resumed once the session is paused.
@available(iOS 11.0, *)
open class ARWorldTrackingSessionConfiguration : ARSessionConfiguration {

/**侦查类型 默认为不侦查,不侦查ARPlaneDetectionNone = 0 
 Type of planes to detect in the scene.
 @discussion If set, new planes will continue to be detected and updated over time. Detected planes will be added to the session as
 ARPlaneAnchor objects. In the event that two planes are merged, the newer plane will be removed. Defaults to ARPlaneDetectionNone.

open var planeDetection: ARWorldTrackingSessionConfiguration.PlaneDetection

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