an abundant supply of food
people in the country live a happy life with an abundant supply of food and water.
an offensive remark
his remarks were deeply offensive.
endure heavy losses
the company endured heavy losses in the project.
his handsome profile
she is deeply attracted by his handsome profile.
feed the pigeons in the square
he always feed the pigeons in the square on weekends.
amplify a sound.
the old man wears a hearing aid to amplify sounds.
preclude him from disclosing any detail
the contract preclude him from disclosing confidential details of the company to others.
a bottle of liquor
the drunk man holding a bottle of liquor couldn't even remember his name.
punch on the jaw
the boxer punched his opponent on the jaw and knocked him out.
handwriting is more connected to the movement of the heart.
the violinst gave a performance that was of the first water.
Sam used his five finger-discount to get the kind of ring John wanted.
dad like to have forty winks after a game of golf.
bubble baths,soaps and shampoos
defunt(no longer exists or has stopped functioning or operating)
the arrogant man often pokes fun at people shortcomings with sarcastic remarks.
as the case might be
showcase of
the festival of the showcase for young musicians.
look at the blast circumference.
the earth is about 4000kilometers in circumference.
my office is well ventilated.
photoelectric effects光电效应.
foreign exchange外汇交易
slaughterhouse(a place where animals are killed for their meat)
they are making a frightful noise.
we have had some frightful news.
repugnance(intense dislike)
he turned away with repugnance and shutting his eyes.
she was trying to over come her repugnance for him.
half the battle
a good beginning is half the battle
hard up
(have very little money)
her parents were very hard up.
according to the contract I have to pay the rent to the landlady quarterly.
sneak in
the boy decided to sneak in to pick some apples after dark.
i literally just got off the plane
child molestation
meet the demand of
a pair of gloves
fits like a glove
clearance sale
with flying colors
he pass the examination with flying colors.
a dog in the manger占着茅坑不拉屎
stop being a dog in the manger and let your brother ride your back if you are not using it.
reach a plateau.
sales have now reached a plateau.
the maximum number
The maximum number of people this elevator can carry is about 10.
struggle for survival
millions of people were the struggling for survival during the starvation.
live in a homogeneous society
living in a homogeneous society she hardly saw any foreigners.
perform an operation
the surgeon has perform the operation.
a chronic unemployment problem
the financial storm decades ago has caused a chronic unemployment in the country.
exercise a democratic right.
people are exercising the democratic right to vote for a new president.
conversion of waste into usable products.
the device is designed for the conversion of waste into usable products.
a blueprint for economic reform
the government issues a blueprint for economic reform which was for the investment in infranstructure.
the best color in the whole world is the one that looks good on you.
bell the cat
someone has to bell the cat and tell mom we wrecked her car.
money for jam
most people think being a professional football player is money for jam.
industrious(work very hard)
she was surrounded by energetic,industrious people.
he suggested that the earthquake had been a divine punishment
in my view you are a menace to the public.
we are not a menace.
he hoisted the package over his shoulder.
don't be so childish
the beer produced by this famoud brewery has a good reputation in China.
the mother sany a lullaby while caressing the baby's check.
mary took me to one side holding my hand on caress.
she let me caress her smooth,perfect face.
tanker.large ships or truck transporting in large quantity of gas or liquid
she took off her shoes,doubtless because her feet hurt.
God knows it's been a frigid winter.
the heading of the article needs to be modified.
i can't get egg whites to forth.
singing is a nice way of unwinding.
it helps them to unwind after a busy day at work.
smashed=extremly drunk
this coat is waterproof and can keep you dry on rainy days.
social services and healthy workers liaise closely.
the three groups will all liaise with each other to help the children.
the government has said it was an inadvertent error.
ozone layer
the pollution has destroyed ozone layer and caused many changes in weather.
kindred spirit
it was the seminal movie of my childhood.
I normally apply sunscreen on my face and neck after my daily skin care routine.
prime minister = 首相
prime =主要的;最好的;基本的
primer = 隔离霜
color-correcting = 修正颜色的
foundation = 粉底
toning cream = 素颜霜
GIORGIO ARMANI [ˈdʒordʒo arˈmaːni] = 乔治·阿玛尼
sensitive skin = 敏感肌
I don’t want to conceal anything from you.
conceal =隐瞒
conceal from somebody = 对某人隐瞒某事
concealer =遮瑕膏
loose = 宽松的,散漫的,不牢固的
loose powder = 散粉
GIVENCHY [ʒivɑ̃ʃi] = 纪梵希
eye shadow = 眼影
eyeliner = 眼线笔
mascara = 睫毛膏
eyebrow mascara = 染眉膏
eyebrow pencil = 眉笔
blush = 腮红
lip stain = lip tint = 唇釉